bdkjones / CodeKit-1-Old

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Bower Fail #730

Open Timoti opened 10 years ago

Timoti commented 10 years ago

Bower has never worked for me yet with Codekit.

Every time I try to install a bower framework I get a message suggesting a bad internet connection. Yes my connection is not great, but not THAT bad.

Bower failed to install 'Typography'. It returned this error information:

Message: Failed to execute "git clone git:// -b master --progress .", exit code of #128

The most common cause of errors is a bad internet connection. Check yours and try again. If the issue persists, verify that this component still exists. (There is currently no way for developers to unregister a component with Bower, so there are some deleted/missing ones in the list. And yes, the Bower team really needs to fix that.)

I've managed to work around this by removing dependencies, changing frameworks etc, though that is kind of drastic.

I'm not familiar with bower outside of codekit, so maybe there's something I'm missing? Though the CK UI is so nice and simple that seems unlikely.

bdkjones commented 10 years ago

Have you tried the new command under the "Tasks" menu in CodeKit 2.0.6 to switch Git over to using https:// instead of git:// urls?

Do you have devtools installed? If so, have you launched Xcode once and agreed to the license terms?

Have you tried deleting the hidden ".cache" folder in your home folder on your Mac?