bdkjones / CodeKit-1-Old

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Feature Request: font management, @font-face generation #78

Open webster opened 13 years ago

webster commented 13 years ago

Management of original fonts, generation of @font-face versions (eot, woff, ttf, svg) and the CSS syntax (like fontsquirrel), compression

kilianc commented 13 years ago


bdkjones commented 12 years ago

Hmm... this is definitely something I'm interested in because I use fonts in my sites.

How do you envision this working? Walk me through the ideal setup, if you would.

sygint commented 12 years ago

this would eliminate my need to go to font squirrel for this, even if their generator is perfect for my needs, this would speed up my work


as for how i'd envision it to work:

1) add font folder to watch 2) notify find, present options for generation (including a fonts.css file) 3) generate said files and fonts.css file 4) (optional) include generation for compass using a format like this

@each $webfont in "BreeSerifRegular", "LeagueGothic", "PTSansRegular", "PTSansBold", "PTSansItalic", "PTSansBoldItalic", "PTSansNarrowRegular", "PTSansNarrowBold", "PTSansCaptionBold" { @include font-face($webfont, font-files("#{$webfont}.woff", woff, "#{$webfont}.ttf", truetype, "#{$webfont}.svg##{$webfont}", svg), "#{$webfont}.eot" ); }

of course you'd have to also set the flag for the font's folder in config.rb like so:

fonts_dir = "assets/fonts"

nathanpitman commented 12 years ago

+1 :)

fabiozc commented 12 years ago

+1 this feature will be awesome!

Fresheyeball commented 12 years ago

-1 I think this is a bad idea. Browsers are evolving, and the best possible @font-face syntax may change. Also different developers may prefer their own flavor of the syntax. Last the path to relevant font files differs along with the css processing language used produce the css that points at it.

Simply generating a fonts.css as suggested is also not ideal, as it cannot be compiled into final output from less, sass or stylus but gets imported in a standard css fashion which is an additional browser request.

I feel this is better handled by developers using the already robust function of css pre-processors to generate @font-face statements that point to their own implementation. This is bloat imho.

callaginn commented 11 years ago

You can write a LESS mixin for this feature.