bdkjones / CodeKit

CodeKit 3 Issue Tracker
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Extra lines added to JS files #356

Open jeremyephron opened 7 years ago

jeremyephron commented 7 years ago

When processing JS files (not minifying, but just syntax checking) two new lines are added to the bottom of the JS file. This occurs when using ESLint, JSHint, and JSLint syntax checkers.

I'm aware that this was supposedly fixed in Version 3.0.1, but it's still occurring for me. I recently purchased CodeKit after the trial had ended, and this was not a problem I had encountered during the trial duration. I updated to Version 3.1 on the day that I purchased CodeKit so the problem may be caused by this new version.

I was able to reproduce this with every JS file, 100% of the time.

bdkjones commented 7 years ago

Is this a chain of JS files linked together, or just a single file?

bdkjones commented 7 years ago

Does the issue occur when you hit the check syntax button in the UI, or only when you hit process and have the file NOT set to minify?

jeremyephron commented 7 years ago

I just tested it, and: It occurs with other scripts both appended and prepended to the file (the new lines are added to the end of the file regardless of whether a script is appended or prepended).

The new lines are not added when hitting the check syntax button. It occurs when saving the file (which processes it) and when hitting the process button, and the file is not set to minify.

I should also add that I am not using a build folder. The file location is set to the same path that it exists in before processing.

jeremyephron commented 7 years ago

For some reason I was too lazy to test this before posting, but the new lines are still added when using a build folder as well.