bdkjones / CodeKit

CodeKit 3 Issue Tracker
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Feature requests: Anti-long refresh tools #591

Open Ariane-B opened 4 years ago

Ariane-B commented 4 years ago

Sometimes, I do something horribly wrong with my project while CodeKit is watching and I forgot to pause file-watching. A Samba connection may have gone unstable; I may have created an invalid/circular symbolic link; someone else may be messing with a Samba shared project while I still have it enabled in CodeKit; I may have made huge changes to my folder by accident...

Now, I know using CodeKit through Samba isn't the best idea, but sometimes we're reduced to doing that.

All kinds of things happen that cause CodeKit to go on a seemingly endless refreshing spree. It can then be tempting to restart the app... only to be greeted by an even longer all-project refresh instead. Then you can fix everything with a safe-start, but doing so makes you lose every CodeKit project you had, which is a bummer.

I can't expect you to plan and deal with all sorts of accidents and unintended uses. But it would be nice if we had some tools to deal with the effects of some of those.

bdkjones commented 4 years ago

Yea, I hear you. There are several issues:

Disabled Projects

The "disabled" projects are, behind the scenes, no different than enabled projects. CodeKit is still indexing them and watching for changes, it just doesn't respond to the changes when they occur.

Big Folders

The way to avoid big folder problems when adding a new project is to use the Edit Defaults For New Projects option to add common problem folder names to the Skipped Folders list. Do that before adding the project. Showing a UI on every project-add that asks which folders should be indexed isn't very elegant. In general, indexing is very fast as long as you don't have a massively nested folder structure (think node_modules).


The overhead involved in printing a log of each action CodeKit is taking while re-indexing a project has a non-trivial performance cost. The steps are fairly straightforward:

  1. CodeKit walks the file tree in the project looking for any files that have been moved, renamed, deleted, or added. It creates the appropriate model objects for those files or updates existing model objects as appropriate.

  2. CodeKit flattens the file tree to an array of hashes and then determines dependency links between files—which files create which other files and which files import which other files. This is extremely fast for relatively shallow file trees (a few dozen layers). It can slow down when the file tree is something like a node_modules folder, which involves many, many recursive descents. That's why folders like node_modules and bower_components are not indexed by default.

Additionally, scanning for import links involves opening and reading EVERY file that could potentially contain links: Sass, Less, JS, CoffeeScript, Markdown, etc. (JavaScript developers just LOVE their little 14-line files. They split everything up into so many tiny little pieces that it's ridiculous.) This obviously has a big penalty when scanning for links between files—there is more overhead involved in opening 14,000 tiny files than 140 big files.

The import-linking algorithms in CodeKit are written in pure C using pointer arithmetic. It's as low-level as you can get without dropping to Assembly. They are MASSIVELY fast as a result, but there is simply overhead involved in tearing through a node_modules folder or similar because there's so much filesystem access for so many little, pointless files.

bdkjones commented 4 years ago

This is a problem that other tools, such as Grunt, Gulp, and Webpack don't have. Precisely because they don't need to model the entire filesystem under a project—there is no UI to display.

They rely on YOU to specify what files are where and to what location they should be output by making you write massive config files. And god help you if you move items around without updating that config file.

CodeKit DOES have to construct a model of the filesystem in order to show you the project and decide what options to present when you select an item (is it a Sass file? Is it a Markdown file? etc.) And CodeKit is massively intelligent about tracking changes. If you create a Sass file in /some/folder/myFile.sass and you customize the settings for that file, then quit CodeKit and completely rename that file and relocate it to new/folder/way/down/here/baz.sass, the next time CodeKit runs it will know that the file has been moved and where it's been moved and it will keep those custom settings you applied—it will NOT simply create a new model object and go back to the Project-Level defaults for Sass files. That sort of attention to detail is the hallmark of really great Mac apps and you never even notice it because it operates so seamlessly. However, that does add some overhead to the re-indexing process for very large, very nested projects.

Ariane-B commented 4 years ago

I don't doubt that your program is efficient. It's gotten very fast with the more recent versions, and I understand the challenges involved in that efficiency. I thank you for that effort.

But, to clarify, what would be feasible? Because no matter how much you optimize things, there will inevitably be the occasional exception (such as deeply nested projects) that will cause long reloads.

Would an option to stop the current refresh/project adding process and unlocking the UI be doable? If CodeKit's done analyzing the directory structure (or already had previous structure data) at that point, it can display it without the files. If not, the project will remain un-analyzed. Then we could go around with CodeKit file watching paused and ignore directories, fix broken structures, disable irrelevant projects, etc. and re-refresh when things are OK.

This feature alone would probably solve 90 % of annoying cases on its own.

Also, as for disabled projects, is it really necessary to keep listening to changes? What would it imply to just shut the whole watching process down for disabled projects?