bdkjones / CodeKit2

CodeKit 2 Beta
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Headless support #559

Open foxx opened 9 years ago

foxx commented 9 years ago

It would be great if CodeKit had support for a headless client, which could run on multiple platforms.

Currently if you want to compile a CodeKit site, you have to do so in the GUI and then push the compiled files to a target. However, this means that the compiler step is reliant on the developer and cannot be integrated with a CI system, which also prevents the use of a sane git workflow.

My proposal would be for a CLI tool (headless, i.e. no GUI) which could be used to run various aspects of the CodeKit functionality, e.g. compiling.

I'm not sure how the code base for CodeKit is structured, if all functionality has been separated into a shared library with a decoupled GUI then this should be fairly easy.. However if it's a bunch of spaghetti code then this might be a v3 thing. Sadly the source code doesn't appear to be available anywhere so I can't make a viability assessment.

Any thoughts?