bdkjones / CodeKit2

CodeKit 2 Beta
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Libsass presets not saved with project #609

Open pdenissen opened 8 years ago

pdenissen commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

I'm using the Sass compiler with Libsass because I love the compiling speed. Somehow it won't save my setting for enabling Libsass compiler. If I enable it, it works fine for a few times. Than later it automatically will disable.

I also have enable the Libsass compiler in the project settings.

Perhaps i'm doing something wrong, but i'm not sure.

Cheers, Pierre

bdkjones commented 8 years ago

Hi Pierre,

Is this project in Git?


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 15, 2016, at 02:13, Hobbit78 wrote:

Hi there,

I'm using the Sass compiler with Libsass because I love the compiling speed. Somehow it won't save my setting for enabling Libsass compiler. If I enable it, it works fine for a few times. Than later it automatically will disable.

I also have enable the Libsass compiler in the project settings.

Perhaps i'm doing something wrong, but i'm not sure.

Cheers, Pierre

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pdenissen commented 8 years ago

Hi bdkjones,

Thanks for your reply. Thats correct. It's in git but i have added the config.codekit file to the .gitignore file because we're working with multiple front-enders. We're al using codekit for front-end. But with our own config.codekit files which are not pushed to git.

Is this the wrong approach?

bdkjones commented 8 years ago

Yea, check out:

On 15 Apr 2016, at 17:10, Hobbit78 wrote:

Hi bdkjones,

Thanks for your reply. Thats correct. It's in git but i have added the config.codekit file to the .gitignore file because we're working with multiple front-enders. We're al using codekit for front-end. But with our own config.codekit files which are not pushed to git.

Is this the wrong approach?

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pdenissen commented 8 years ago

Hi Bryan,

Awesome piece of a blog!! It realy makes sence. Thanks for that. Problem solved.


pdenissen commented 8 years ago

Hi Bryan,

A while ago I had this issue above. It seems that it's still there. I'm just not getting it solved. First it looked like a thing with GIT.

But now i'm working on a prototype which is not in GIT yet (or any other versioning system). It's just a folder with some assets like sass, css, js and plain html markup.

When I enable Libsass, it works for a couple of times, than later when I look back, it's disabled again. Perhaps i'm missing something.

See my screens for some settings. If you need anything, please let me know.

Thanks in advanced. Cheers!

screen shot 2016-06-14 at 11 23 45

screen shot 2016-06-14 at 11 24 29 screen shot 2016-06-14 at 11 24 38
bdkjones commented 8 years ago

Are you working in a folder that’s being synced by some service like Dropbox or iCloud?

On 14 Jun 2016, at 02:26, Hobbit78 wrote:

Hi Bryan,

A while ago I had this issue above. It seems that it's still there. I'm just not getting it solved. First it looked like a thing with GIT.

But now i'm working on a prototype which is not in GIT yet (or any other versioning system). It's just a folder with some assets like sass, css, js and plain html markup.

When I enable Libsass, it works for a couple of times, than later when I look back, it's disabled again. Perhaps i'm missing something.

See my screens for some settings. If you need anything, please let me know.

Thanks in advanced. Cheers! — You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread

pdenissen commented 8 years ago

Hi Bryan,

No, the folder is right on my desktop which is not synced with some kind of cloud service.

bdkjones commented 8 years ago

Hmm. I haven’t had any other reports of this, so there must be something unique to your machine. What, specifically, is changing—the “use libsass” checkbox on the individual Sass file, or the Project Setting checkbox for Libsass?

On 14 Jun 2016, at 08:45, Hobbit78 wrote:

Hi Bryan,

No, the folder is right on my desktop which is not synced with some kind of cloud service.

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pdenissen commented 8 years ago

Hi Bryan,

Yeah, i'm aware of it that it's a strange issue. Only the "Use libsass-checkbox" is changing. The one in the settings stays checked. Today I will put the CodeKit on my secondary screen and try to monitor on what moment it will uncheck. Perhaps I can find something here. Is there anything else where I can look at? Is there a log-file or something like that?

Thanks for your help Bryan! Cheers!

bdkjones commented 8 years ago

There isn’t a log file. The only thing that would change that setting is if your project settings file specifies NOT to use libsass for a given sass file and you then refresh the project in CodeKit. The app will apply whatever is in the project settings file. This is how folks get themselves in trouble when something like Git or Dropbox changes that settings file.

On 15 Jun 2016, at 00:16, Hobbit78 wrote:

Hi Bryan,

Yeah, i'm aware of it that it's a strange issue. Only the "Use libsass-checkbox" is changing. The one in the settings stays checked. Today I will put the CodeKit on my secondary screen and try to monitor on what moment it will uncheck. Perhaps I can find something here. Is there anything else where I can look at? Is there a log-file or something like that?

Thanks for your help Bryan! Cheers!

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pdenissen commented 8 years ago

Hi Bryan,

Ok, I found to moment where the libsass option turns off. In the project settings I have libsass selected. And it always stays selected. So nothing wrong here. So the issue applies only on the file specific libsass checkbox.

When I check the file specific libsass option, libsass runs. Works good. Till......I hit the project refresh button. There it goes wrong. It seems like the settings will nog be saved in the config-file. When I try to change it in the config-file to 1, it will sets back to false.

I tried this at a brand new project without any versioning or cloud syncing.

Any ideas?

bdkjones commented 8 years ago

You're running CodeKit 2.8.1?

pdenissen commented 8 years ago

Hi Bryan,

I'm running the latest version. 2.8 (19127)

Cheers, Pierre

bdkjones commented 8 years ago

Hi Pierre,

Follow these steps to debug the issue:

1) Quit CodeKit. 2) Launch CodeKit while holding down the shift key. 3) Create a new project with a single Sass file. 4) Add that project to CodeKit. 5) Uncheck the “Use Libsass” box on the file. 6) Refresh the project. 7) Check (activate) the “use libsass” box on the file. 8) Refresh the project.

Did the box uncheck?

If so, repeat step 7 and then wait 10 seconds. Open the “config.codekit” file in a text editor and scroll to the “files” entry. There should be only a single file in that dictionary, since there’s only a single file in this project. Take a screenshot of that section and send it to me, please.


On 20 Jun 2016, at 10:48, Hobbit78 wrote:

Hi Bryan,

I'm running the latest version. 2.8 (19127)

Cheers, Pierre

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pdenissen commented 8 years ago

Hey Bryan,

Thanks for your help so far. Finally had some time to walk through your debug steps. I have created a fresh folder on my desktop called "test" and added a empty sass file. After step 8 the checkbox did uncheck again.

So after repeating step 7 I have took a screenshot for you. Please find attached file.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Cheers, Pierre

screen shot 2016-06-30 at 23 36 47

pdenissen commented 7 years ago

Hi Bryan, not sure if you noticed my latest comment? Just checking. Is this something you can work with?

Cheers,, Pierre

pdenissen commented 7 years ago

Hi there, today I found something strange about this issue. There is 1 project (Magento 1.9.x) which does works correctly. So when I hit the refesh button, the 'Use the libsass compiler' stays checked. See the attachted config file.

screen shot 2016-07-19 at 10 08 31
pdenissen commented 7 years ago

Hi there, It's a while ago and I haven't heard anything on this issue anymore. Today I found something new on this issue.

I have mentioned there were projects were the libsass function did work. In my older projects I was used to write .SCSS files. These had no problems with the libsass compiler. These days I'm using .SASS files. This is where it all goes wrong. When using .SASS files, the libsass compiler keeps resetting to false.

I hope you can work it out.

Thanks in advanced.

Cheers, Pierre