bdkjones / CodeKit2

CodeKit 2 Beta
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Ignoring/skipping folders with space characters in in their name #614

Open chris-scheurle opened 8 years ago

chris-scheurle commented 8 years ago

In every project, I have a folder called _LICENCES AND DOCS. And I simply can't get CodeKit to ignore hat folder.

Chosing "Skip this folder" from the context menu adds the folder name without spaces to the project settings' "Skipped items and paths". But to no effect.

Manually entering ..., /_LICENCES AND DOCS, ..., ..., '/_LICENCES AND DOCS', ..., ..., "/_LICENCES AND DOCS", ... or ..., /_LICENCES\ AND\ DOCS, ... doesn't do the trick, either.

So, could you please have a look at this?

bdkjones commented 8 years ago

Yea, this one is the spaces in the name. Websites generally don't have spaces in names because you'd end up with as the address, which is dumb. I'd recommend renaming the folder so that it doesn't contain a space. Maybe Licenses+Docs?

chris-scheurle commented 8 years ago

The whole point of that folder is to be included with the page's source code (as per the license requirements of some open source libraries I use), not to be accessible over the Internet.

Regarding %20: yes, that's the way URL-encoding works, and I don't know of any modern browser that wouldn't mask those codes in it's location bar. Supporting something that is part of numerous official standards: I wouldn't consider this 'dumb'.

Licenses+Docs: yes, that might be an option. But still it would be nice to be able to ignore files that contain spaces, there are situations where one has no influence on the naming of files, these are legal filenames, they can be accessed using %-encoding and honestly: I don't get why it would be difficult to support them (just split by ",", trim white space at the beginning and end, leave the rest alone). 😕