bdkjones / CodeKit2

CodeKit 2 Beta
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Changing file names after compiling #620

Open dlewand691 opened 8 years ago

dlewand691 commented 8 years ago

Using Jade files and just discovered that if I create a file with spaces in the name, compile it, then change the spaces in the name to dashes, the app compiles to the old name with spaces.

When I copy and past the name with dashes from the Finder and paste into the Output > Options name input field, in some cases, it still recompiled to using spaces. I had to go in and manual change the spaces to dashes.

Requests would be to make sure if a source file name is changed that previous compiled file is deleted and a new file with the new name is created.

Would also love it if the app remembered the last folder used. For each time I had to change the name I had to navigate back to the right directory.

On a Mac, OSX 10.11.5, Codekit 2.8(19127)