bdkjones / CodeKit2

CodeKit 2 Beta
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install bitters 1.2 - OR - install Bourbon 5.0 #625

Closed guteideen closed 7 years ago

guteideen commented 7 years ago

blindly updated bitters to latest version, now I have compiling errors due to bitters 1.4 not playing well with Bourbon 4.2.7. After researching bitters 1.4 needs Bourbon 5.0. How can I return to Bitters 1.2 or can I install Bourbon 5.0?

bdkjones commented 7 years ago

mmm, according to the Bourbon/Bitters pages, 5.0 is still in beta. Once it's officially released, I'll update the built-in version of Bourbon and Bitters in CodeKit.

All you really need to do to use either one is copy the Bourbon/Bitters stylesheet assets into your project and then update your @import statements to point to them.