bdougie / get-a-hubot

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Let me know your ideas for GitHub Apps below #1

Open bdougie opened 5 years ago

bdougie commented 5 years ago

just provide a description and I will hand you a hubot

Doug-Shannon commented 5 years ago

Github app that monitors code for poorly formed comments

maniator commented 5 years ago

A GitHub app to be able to control circle ci workflows without having to go through their ui (restarts on flaky tests etc)

ericrasch commented 5 years ago

I'd like PR notifications to be sent to a user in Slack if they are assigned a PR or one needs reviewing or the PR status changes.

dmiyamasu commented 5 years ago

Generate a meme from code comments and giphy gifs

lukemoderwell commented 5 years ago

Github app that reminds you to take breaks after x number of commits/PRs in y number of hours.

diegolamanno commented 5 years ago

An Github app that gives you a link of your webpack bundle for the current PR using webpack-bundle-analyzer

tersieff commented 5 years ago

An app that tells me if I win a hubot

bmackinney commented 5 years ago

An app that responds to merged PR's with links to relevant job listings so contributors know what you're hiring for, based on the contributor's profile and existing code.