bdrathburn / TeslaForumPersonalBlocklist

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Feature: Additional thread page links and last comment link #6

Open bdrathburn opened 8 years ago

bdrathburn commented 8 years ago

I have done some testing and believe that we can enhance the thread/comment navigation further.

Planned features:

  1. Page links directly in the thread list similar to how TMC handles it image It looks like the official Tesla Forum breaks the pages up into 50 comments each, so it will be pretty easy to calculate the number of pages on a thread and generate links to them
  2. In addition to the 1st comment and make a comment links at the top of the thread i am planning to work on adding a last comment link which will take the user to the last page and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Jeffrey-R commented 8 years ago

FYI - the "scroll to the bottom of the page" link is the same as the "Make a Comment" link. They both jump to the same spot. So you could just rename the link or let people know in the description.

I'm not sure what use case is for the "Jump to Last" link. Users that hit the "new" anchor from the Main Sections will go to their "last unread post" which is where most will want to go. If you forget and click to the section, you can hit "Make a Comment/Go to Bottom" then click "Last" from there.

bdrathburn commented 8 years ago

For the "last comment" link I was thinking it would do basically what the "new" anchor would, just have it available on the thread(next to your links) instead of only being on the list of threads. Right now the "make a comment" link takes the user to the bottom of whatever page their on, thought it would be helpful to have an easy way to get to the last comment on the last page. I often end up having to go back a page or two on some threads to see what someone is responding to(or arguing about), would be nice to be able to easily jump to the end from there if needed.

Jeffrey-R commented 8 years ago

The "New" link is dynamically generated on the other page, so you won't have access to it. You could try things like page=999 to see if it will do what you want. There is a target for #new on the correct page, but you would not know where that is on the client side.

bdrathburn commented 8 years ago

I did try page=999 and it does take you to the last page, should be able to grab the href from the "Last" button at the bottom of the page and just append #comment-form to the end though.