Closed qulet closed 3 months ago
Which step+ pin? There are four of them, including one that is connected to the A driver which is not listed in the config file. From the photo, it looks like a wire from the A driver is connected to the ESP32 EN signal. EN cannot be used as an output - it is an input that resets the ESP32.
It also appears that you have something - perhaps A direction - connected to GPIO36. GPIO36 cannot be used as an output. There are many references on the internet that describe the restrictions of some ESP32 pins.
defaltowy plik 3axis_V4.yami wypiete kable od sterowników XYZA Boot ESP32 Fluid ON
$SS : ok <Idle|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|FS:0,0|WCO:0.000,0.000,0.000> $SS [MSG:INFO: FluidNC v3.8.2-pre] [MSG:INFO: Compiled with ESP32 SDK:v4.4.7-dirty] [MSG:INFO: Local filesystem type is littlefs] [MSG:INFO: Configuration file:3axis_v4.yaml] [MSG:INFO: Machine ESP32 Dev Controller V4] [MSG:INFO: Board ESP32 Dev Controller V4] [MSG:INFO: SPI SCK:gpio.18 MOSI:gpio.23 MISO:gpio.19] [MSG:INFO: SD Card cs_pin:gpio.5 detect:NO_PIN freq:8000000] [MSG:INFO: Stepping:RMT Pulse:2us Dsbl Delay:0us Dir Delay:1us Idle Delay:250ms] [MSG:INFO: Axis count 3] [MSG:INFO: Shared stepper disable gpio.13:low] [MSG:INFO: Axis X (10.000,1010.000)] [MSG:INFO: Motor0] [MSG:INFO: stepstick Step:gpio.12 Dir:gpio.14 Disable:NO_PIN] [MSG:INFO: X All Limit gpio.17:low:pu] [MSG:INFO: Motor1] [MSG:INFO: Axis Y (10.000,1010.000)] [MSG:INFO: Motor0] [MSG:INFO: stepstick Step:gpio.26 Dir:gpio.15 Disable:NO_PIN] [MSG:INFO: Y All Limit gpio.4:low:pu] [MSG:INFO: Motor1] [MSG:INFO: Axis Z (-990.000,10.000)] [MSG:INFO: Motor0] [MSG:INFO: stepstick Step:gpio.27 Dir:gpio.33 Disable:NO_PIN] [MSG:INFO: Z All Limit gpio.16:low:pu] [MSG:INFO: Motor1] [MSG:INFO: Kinematic system: Cartesian] [MSG:INFO: Connecting to STA SSID:Orange_Swiatlowod_D290] [MSG:INFO: Connecting.] [MSG:INFO: Connecting..] [MSG:INFO: Connecting...] [MSG:INFO: Connecting....] [MSG:INFO: Connected - IP is] [MSG:INFO: WiFi on] [MSG:INFO: Start mDNS with hostname:http://fluidnc.local/] [MSG:INFO: HTTP started on port 80] [MSG:INFO: Telnet started on port 23] [MSG:INFO: PWM Spindle Ena:gpio.22 Out:gpio.2 Dir:NO_PIN Freq:5000Hz Period:8191] [MSG:INFO: Flood coolant gpio.25] [MSG:INFO: Mist coolant gpio.21] [MSG:INFO: Probe gpio.32:low:pu] ok Send Command...
Podłaczony tylko sterownik osi X
direction_pin: gpio.14
step_pin: gpio.12
Mam dwa pytania do ekspertów.
Regarding GPIO 12:
Unless you perform the one-time step of changing the strapping pin as documented above, you can only use GPIO 12 in a way that does not pull it up during boot. In other words, if there is an external connection to GPIO 12, the hardware connected to it must not override the internal pulldown that controls the boot mode.
This has nothing to do with the way that FluidNC is compiled. It is an inherent characteristic of the ESP32 that is independent of any software that is loaded.
FluidNC's use of GPIO 12 for some function, or lack of use of GPIO 12, is controlled by the "config.yaml" configuration file that you install. Regardless of whether you choose to use GPIO 12 or not, the way that GPIO 12 is connected to something outside controls the boot process. That happens long before any FluidNC code runs. It is up to you to use properly-designed hardware. There are many suitable controller boards that other people have already designed as per , as well as some guidelines at .
We spent a lot of time designing and debugging controllers, including open source ones that can be purchased directly from contract manufacturers like Elecrow. We documented the design considerations in the guidelines page. We do not have time to repeat the information bit by bit.
Re limit switches: If you use the search term "switch" in the FluidNC Wiki search box, you will find several pages with information about limit switches. To connect a limit switch to a bare ESP32, you will either need an external pullup resistor, or you will need to use one of the ESP32 GPIOs that is capable of internal pullup and configure it with the :pu attribute.
If you need additional design help, please consider becoming a project sponsor.
Dla Wszystkich którzy mierzą się z tym problemem . Sterowniki TB6600 myszą być podłączone w trybie WSPÓLNA KATODA . To rozwiązuje problem. Takiej odpowiedzi oczekiwałem od ekspertów a nie namawiania do zakupu profesjonalnych dedetykowanych PCB.
Wiki Search Terms
Konfigurowanie pinów
Controller Board
ESP32 38 PIN module
Machine Description
Router btamowy sterowniki TB6600 hard limit XYZ wrzeciono z falownikiem.
Input Circuits
Configuration file
Startup Messages
User Interface Software
What happened?
Po odlaczeniu sygnału step+ od płytki ESP Fluid startuje. Próba przypisania innego pinu gipo kończy się niepowodzeniem.
GCode File
No response
Other Information
Fluid ma sterować Maszyną XYZ z limitami XYZ i wrzecionem z falownikiem, lub laserem LED. Mój router aktualnie jest sterowany Mach3