bdring / midTbot_esp32

A Small and Simple Pen Plotter
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plot file(s) with push button(s) ? #18

Open snug11 opened 4 years ago

snug11 commented 4 years ago

hi all, im asking for a possible (firmware) extension: there are a few unused gpios on the esp32...could them be used to start different plot files by pushing buttons (internal pullup on/gnd) with ?

for example: gpio32/button1 = plot file "xxx.gcode" gpio33/button2 = plot file "yyy.gcode" (for best, pin assignment in ui under "sd-files area", beneath each loaded file)

that would be absolute easy to let guests (on a faire) start plotting different preloaded grahics without the needing of a second device (laptop, smartphone...)

...that would be great ! :-)

with kind regards from germany andree

peek82 commented 4 years ago

See here:

snug11 commented 4 years ago

I'll try it, thanks for showing that! :-)