bdring / midTbot_esp32

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Limit Switch Sourcing #2

Closed bdring closed 4 years ago

bdring commented 4 years ago

The switch on the BOM is hard to get. Here are some possible alternatives.

This version has a reversed lever. It will definitely work on the Y axis. It will probably work on the X, but the actuator post is not in the ideal location on the lever.


This amazon switch won't work. You need right angle terminals.


This type of switch from AliExpress is fits. It just has the lever reversed like mentioned above.

Search for DF2-L-A on AliExpress for more options


dirkx commented 4 years ago

Farnell #2402447, €0.88 , mouse, ali express 1, ali express 2 and ali express 3

bdring commented 4 years ago

The design has been updated to allow both lever positions to work.

bdring commented 4 years ago

I was wrong about the alternate lever position. The lever is not reversed, the leads are just bent the other way. This means it will switch around some pins if you solder it that way. It is basically upside down. This won't work right.

The simple fix is to just bend the leads back to the original position. I have done this on dozens of switches now and it is safe and effective.