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GrabCAD interactive model not working #21

Open mahtDFR opened 4 years ago

mahtDFR commented 4 years ago

I navigated from here:

It redirected me to this page:

I am met with the error message: This model does not appear to contain any geometry. Failure reason: Unknown Error reading model data from SCS file

As a workaround I downloaded the STP file into Fusion360 which worked, but it would be nice to have it available in a browser for quick reference.

bdring commented 4 years ago

The viewer appears to be be broken. I downloaded the file and was able to view it in my CAD program. It must be a GrabCAD problem. It might fix itself if the problem is widespread.

Leemonoid commented 4 years ago

Just a quick follow-up to let you know the problem still exists. I can save the file and open my copy in the GrabCAD viewer, but the one you linked from your page will not open.

bdring commented 4 years ago

Here is a direct link to the viewer.

It seems to be stuck preparing the file. You could download the file and load in a CAD program. If you search for "online step file viewer", you should find some free options.