bdsoha / vitrea-client

🏠 Vitrea Smart Home API Client
MIT License
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Question: How to Integrate Vitrea Vtouch pro with home assistant? #32

Closed smartnakh closed 4 months ago

smartnakh commented 4 months ago

First Check

Example Code

is it possible to get the status of the switches and send command to the switches ?



My friend has a vitrea home and wants to get support for the google assistant

i am looking for a way to interact with the Vtouch pro

i am not sure to have understood if this repository can help me or how to use it

Raw Data

No response

Package Version


Protocol Version

V2 (Default)

NodeJS Version


Are you willing to submit PR?

bdsoha commented 4 months ago

Absolutely, that is something that I am personally doing in my own home. Home Assistant has the ability to directly connect to HomeKit enabled accessories.

smartnakh commented 4 months ago

Excellent News Benyomin !

i am not sure to have understood your answer.

i have homeassistant already running in a docker container, should I just try to add a homekit integration and the Vitrea devices will be detected?

if yes, i don't understand the goal of this repository

אשמח בימים טובים יותר לדבר על זה


bdsoha commented 4 months ago

Your comment on Github was surprisingly direct, but everyone's entitled to their opinion.

This repository, as its name suggests, serves as a client adaptable for integration with various components. It handles the essential request and response elements for initiating and handling alterations within Vitrea.

Consider it akin to an http-client, a foundational element easily integrated into any platforms like HomeKit, Alexa, Google Home, and more.

smartnakh commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your answer

sorry for my direct answer if it was inappropriate

If i have well understood, the script should run as a service and the vitrea devices could be integrated as a home kit device

Concerning the parameters, i assume that the host is the internal IP of the vitrea box. Right ?

are the username and password the one used in the vitrea application?

thanks in advance

Really appreciate !

bdsoha commented 4 months ago

No worries. The IP, username, and password are identical to the ones you use to connect using the visual application.

I've been wanting to publish a separate repository for the HomeKit integration for a while but haven't had the time. If you're interested in contributing, please send me an email, and we can discuss this further offline.

smartnakh commented 4 months ago

Thanks !

I will be glad to contribute!

I will Contact you. have an excellent day!

smartnakh commented 3 weeks ago

`smh@mbox:/ $ cd home/smh/volumes/v2/ smh@mbox:~/volumes/v2 $ npm list gn@1.0.0 /home/smh/volumes/v2 └── vitrea-client@0.0.1-alpha.0 (git+ssh://

smh@mbox:~/volumes/v2 $ sudo npm install bdsoha/vitrea-client

up to date, audited 4 packages in 13s

found 0 vulnerabilities `