bdsullivan / INDDGO

Integrated Network Decomposition & Dynamic programming for Graph Optimization problems
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Crashes with `-nice` strategy #47

Open mxmerz opened 7 years ago

mxmerz commented 7 years ago

INDDGO crashes on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS when called on the following dimacs file with -nice and any of -minmaxd, -amd, -beta, -bmf, -minf, or -mmd:

c dimacs graph
c written by concuss
p edge 4 4
e 1 2
e 1 3
e 1 4
e 2 3

The error message looks as follows:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  vector<bool>::_M_range_check: __n (which is 2004640752) >= this->size() (which is 4)
[1]    7208 abort (core dumped)  ~/INDDGO/bin/serial_wis -f ./broken-amd/g-16.dimacs -nice -amd

INDDGO also crashes on the following DIMACS file when called with -nice and any of -mind, -mmd, -minf, -bmf, -metmmd, -metnnd, -pktsort, or -amd:

c dimacs graph
c written by concuss
p edge 3 2
e 1 2
e 1 3

The error message looks as follows:

Fatal Error!
record_children_solutions:  Didn't find mask with zeroized bit??
exception caught: :  Didn't find mask with zeroized bit??