Open IlexisTheMadcat opened 1 day ago
MA Menu Items could also have an option to toggle an object on/off based on its setting. This can be used for simple toggles, but I'll leave it up to you if you want to make menu items capable of doing everything described above.
Currently, the MA Object Toggle reacts to another object, but can we have it so it can also listen to if a parameter is equal to a condition? This would help save a lot of time when creating numerous toggles for outfits. I want to try using the menu items to define and control the parameters, and I'd like the MA Object Toggle (or even a new component idk) to toggle based on parameters.
Suggested implementation: New component that can toggle an object on or off based on conditions, operating similarly to transitions in an animation controller. The component would have the option to define if the two states it creates have "Write Defaults" enabled (with auto/match avatar write defaults), and it would have a list of conditions that must be true to show or hide the object and hide/show otherwise. An option can control whether it shows or hides when all are true. The component may also have transition settings and may also have 'animation overrides' that you can insert if you want the toggle to be more complex in nature, i.e. visually animated. The overrides would be for "when false" and "when true".
Possible applications:
Outfit/range selection. Each outfit can have this component that checks if an integer is equal to a certain number to show that outfit.
Outfit/prop toggles. Each item you want to toggle in an outfit. Simple toggles generally look like this for me, but take up to 2 minutes to fully define and control one toggle. This component would replace having to do this for every new toggle and transition(s), essentially.