Preload will work in all modes when the frame is automatically recognized as a picture.
Something new
Support scramble data
Now you can choose any combination, put pictures, html string, elements, and even fragment, into the data list.
Option "type" is unnecessary, when it is 'pic' will open the image globally pre-loaded, of course, you don't have to worry about the other type of list members:)
Event registration mechanism added
Use "on"/"off" methods to manage events.
Now you can register event after the initialization, and they can be deleted.
iSlider 2.0
Optimization, bug fixes
Something new
Supported parameters methods
Now, slideTo, slideNext, slidePrev support the second parmater ({Object}) for custom temporary
Hold and Lock. add 4 mothods "hold", "unhold", "lock", "unlock"
iSlider 1.1.1
iSlider 1.1.0
iSlider 1.0 beta
iSlider 0.9 beta