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Selectable Diagonal vs. Vertical Vulgar Fractions. #2376

Open jmcwilliams403 opened 2 weeks ago

jmcwilliams403 commented 2 weeks ago

I really like the current vertical vulgar fractions, however many fonts use a diagonal/oblique slash which would match with % and directly imply the decomposition sequence with fraction slash (½1⁄2).

In the examples below, some towards the end use a broken bar to match their % variant, however I think for the sake of glyph count it would probably be sufficient to just focus on the continuous stroke forms for now.


Fonts which use diagonal fractions: Andale Mono: image Anonymous Pro: image Consolas: image Menlo: image Fira Mono: image Liberation Mono: image Monaco: image Envy Code R: image X Windows Fixed: image Ubuntu Mono: image Lucida Console: image Jetbrains Mono: image IBM Plex Mono: image PT Mono: image Recursive Mono: image Courier New: image Inconsolata: image

Fonts which use vertical fractions: Pragmata Pro (btw I finally got my hands on a paid copy for €200): image Input Mono: image

berrymot commented 2 weeks ago

(ooh input mono's fractions are really interesting)

jmcwilliams403 commented 2 weeks ago

(ooh input mono's fractions are really interesting)

The kerning makes it give off a different impression but it's actually supposed to be both a broken bar and a horizontal bar, which is odd because its percent sign doesn't use a broken bar like some other examples here do.