be5invis / vscode-custom-css

Custom CSS Plugin for Visual Studio Code. Based on vscode-icon
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How to remove the [Unsupported] text in Vscode's title #167

Closed hewson99 closed 2 years ago

hewson99 commented 2 years ago


be5invis commented 2 years ago

You can't. This plugin will always modify the VSCode itself.

TheRedBandiCoot commented 2 years ago


1.Install the extension "Fix VSCode Checksums" 2.Open the command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) and then write and select "Fix Checksums: Apply" 3.Finally, close VS Code and open it again.

Original Source

hewson99 commented 2 years ago


1.Install the extension "Fix VSCode Checksums" 2.Open the command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) and then write and select "Fix Checksums: Apply" 3.Finally, close VS Code and open it again.

Original Source

awesome~~ !!