Open kleinschmidt opened 1 year ago
I think this might be a race condition with a buffered channel. bound task failure will be propagated to any task waiting on the channel, but if it's closed by task completion before the buffer is full, then there's no waiting. Here's an even more MWE of this behavior:
julia> c = Channel(1) do ch
put!(ch, nothing)
Channel{Any}(1) (closed)
julia> collect(c)
1-element Vector{Any}:
julia> collect(Channel(1) do ch
put!(ch, nothing)
ERROR: TaskFailedException
[1] try_yieldto(undo::typeof(Base.ensure_rescheduled))
@ Base ./task.jl:871
[2] wait()
@ Base ./task.jl:931
[3] wait(c::Base.GenericCondition{ReentrantLock})
@ Base ./condition.jl:124
[4] take_buffered(c::Channel{Any})
@ Base ./channels.jl:416
[5] take!
@ ./channels.jl:410 [inlined]
[6] iterate(c::Channel{Any}, state::Nothing)
@ Base ./channels.jl:498
[7] _collect(cont::UnitRange{Int64}, itr::Channel{Any}, #unused#::Base.HasEltype, isz::Base.SizeUnknown)
@ Base ./array.jl:725
[8] collect(itr::Channel{Any})
@ Base ./array.jl:712
[9] top-level scope
@ REPL[20]:1
nested task error: aHHHH
[1] error(s::String)
@ Base ./error.jl:35
[2] (::var"#9#10")(ch::Channel{Any})
@ Main ./REPL[20]:3
[3] (::Base.var"#591#592"{var"#9#10", Channel{Any}})()
@ Base ./channels.jl:134
julia> c = Channel(0) do ch
put!(ch, nothing)
Channel{Any}(0) (1 item available)
julia> collect(c)
ERROR: TaskFailedException
[1] try_yieldto(undo::typeof(Base.ensure_rescheduled))
@ Base ./task.jl:871
[2] wait()
p @ Base ./task.jl:931
[3] wait(c::Base.GenericCondition{ReentrantLock})
@ Base ./condition.jl:124
[4] take_unbuffered(c::Channel{Any})
@ Base ./channels.jl:433
[5] take!
@ ./channels.jl:410 [inlined]
[6] iterate(c::Channel{Any}, state::Nothing)
@ Base ./channels.jl:498
[7] _collect(cont::UnitRange{Int64}, itr::Channel{Any}, #unused#::Base.HasEltype, isz::Base.SizeUnknown)
@ Base ./array.jl:725
[8] collect(itr::Channel{Any})
@ Base ./array.jl:712
[9] top-level scope
@ REPL[22]:1
nested task error: aHHHH
[1] error(s::String)
@ Base ./error.jl:35
[2] (::var"#11#12")(ch::Channel{Any})
@ Main ./REPL[21]:3
[3] (::Base.var"#591#592"{var"#11#12", Channel{Any}})()
@ Base ./channels.jl:134
okay the underlying issue here is this: when we iterate a channel, it checks if the channel is open or ready; if it's neither of these, it returns nothing
to indicate that iteration is complete. we can't wait
on teh channel at that point because if the channel is closed, then wait
will throw a different error (invalid state exception). so if we're going to be able to reliably surface errors encountered during table generation, we need to somehow be able to keep and surface a reference to the bound task.
Another possibility would be to have a "sync" mode which will immediately collect/wait on the channel adn return that value. then we're more or less guaranteed to be waiting when the error is reported...
A final possibility would be to use an unbuffered channel so that all iteration calls will involve a wait; that seems the safest to me actually since I don't think there's a huge benefit to using a buffered channel if there's nothing async happening on the consumer end. we could change the default for channel capacity to be 0 and allow users to set it higher if they need buffering for some reason.
This is probably out of scope for MockTableGenerators, but I think a useful primitive would be an object that wraps a channel but adds nicer semantics on top. Ideally it could be close to drop-in replacement for a channel, but it would store the bound task (using taskref
kwarg in the channel to get it out) and it would implement iterate
so that errors are propogated better and to avoid the need for stuff like as much. Could also have maybetake!
and tryput!
Yeah I dunno, it's tricky because there's two things getting mixed in here: teh channel and the (bound) task. We could maybe create a TaskChannel
though that would check the status of the task before every take!
, but it gets a bit circular when considering what gets passed to the task (channel operations inside the task by definition can't benefit from the wrapping...)
To obtain similar behaviour as the fix, we could wrap the channel in an iterator that passes through iterate
to the channel, but when it sees iterate(channel) === nothing
, does:
catch ex
ex isa InvalidStateException || rethrow(ex)