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Unable to access GPIO pins #205

Open rajmehta28599 opened 3 years ago

rajmehta28599 commented 3 years ago

I have a BeagleBone Black board and I'm using the below-mentioned image file.

################################### I aim to operate GPIO pins of this board with the c programming language.

To do so, I've gone through this link:

And after following all the steps according to this link the result I achieved is the same as mentioned in the checking functionality step [the last step] of this document.

################################ Furthermore, I follow this document for c language setup:

and run this source code:

All these processes were completed without any error.

################################## Now I want to access the GPIO pins of the board. For that, I've prepared a basic code.

Let's take a pin P8_10 / GPIO2[4] for an example. So for that my code will be:


include <rc/led.h>

include <rc/gpio.h>

include <rc/time.h>

//#define WAIT_US 500000 // time to light each LED in microseconds int main() { rc_gpio_init(2,4,GPIOHANDLE_REQUEST_OUTPUT); / declare as output/ rc_gpio_set_value(2,4,1); / set high / rc_gpiocleanup(2,4);     return 0; }

After executing this code I am not getting the expected output.

So have you any suggestions for me regarding this code. Or is there any other way to do so?

Thank you.

StjerneIdioten commented 2 years ago

If I am not mistaken rc_gpio_cleanup(2,4); will cleanup everything, so if you expect to have some input to measure after running that code, then it won't work. It is only set for as long as your program is running. Which in your case is a very short time.

Pryscilla123 commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue, i did a code basically identical as the other one, but i didnt use the clean, just the set and my program is accusing of pin X not initialized yet. What should i do?