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Cannot Enable SPI #205

Closed d-j-kendall closed 5 years ago

d-j-kendall commented 5 years ago

So I am attempting to enable the built-in SPI interface on my device.

I am currently running this linux kernel Linux beaglebone 4.14.71-ti-r80

Now at first, I was trying to add stuff to the slots file, which I found out was replaced by uBoot overlays in my kernel version.

So I went into my uEnv.txt file and added/uncommented the following lines to


Then I attempted to see if the device files were present in /dev/ but they were not and I was not able to access SPI0 with the python Adafruit libraries either. Is there anything else I need to do to get this working??

Any help is appreciated! But, I feel like I have seen every other post on this, and have looked at the beaglebone documentation and find it vague or missing steps.

d-j-kendall commented 5 years ago

I figured it out this solution worked for me.

the bootloader on the built-in eMMC was too old to use uBoot Overlays!!

This solution worked for me uBoot Overlay Issue

I didn't do his command exactly I used

sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1M count=10