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GPIO 44 labelled as 48 in silkscreen #13

Closed brucepom closed 6 years ago

brucepom commented 6 years ago

Thanks for an amazing board!

In my testing the pin labelled as 48 in the silkscreen is actually accessed as pin 44.


I haven't found an official pinout illustration for PocketBeagle but I did find this one: I'm unsure of the original source of this image but the image also describes that pin as 44.

RobertCNelson commented 6 years ago

@brucepom correct it's pin 44:


mwelling commented 6 years ago

This has already been corrected on the design files. Guessing that when the next production run commences they will update them. Might be a while though.

brucepom commented 6 years ago

Thanks guys, looks like you were already on top of it. Really appreciate all your work. And thanks for the link to the pinout illustration, don't know how I missed that!