beam-community / stripity-stripe

An Elixir Library for Stripe
965 stars 344 forks source link

Stripe.Webhook fails to process message for "financial_connections.account.created" #817

Closed tmaszk closed 8 months ago

tmaszk commented 10 months ago

Package Version


Are you using the latest version?

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a CheckoutSession and display to user
  2. User enter a financial institution in the stripe UI
  3. Receive webhook for "financial_connections.account.created" and see error

I haven't spent a lot of time analyzing it, but I think the problem is Stripe.Webhook.convert_stripe_object/1 converting the incoming object "financial_connections.accout" into the module FinancialConnections.account where is should be FinancialConnections.Account

gist of the code for step 1:

params = %{
  success_url: "http://localhost:4000/success",
  cancel_url: "http://localhost:4000/cancel",
  mode: :payment,
  payment_method_types: [:us_bank_account],
  payment_method_options: %{
    us_bank_account: %{
      financial_connections: %{permissions: [:payment_method, :balances]}
 payment_intent_data: %{
    setup_future_usage: :off_session,
    capture_method: :automatic


Expected Result

expected Stripe.WebhookHandler to successfully parse message for "financial_connections.accout"

Actual Result

Using the stripe cli, received the following messages (sensitive info omitted)

[Mon, 09 Oct 2023 13:40:16 EDT] DEBUG websocket.Client.readPump: Incoming message message={"type":"webhook_event","endpoint":{"api_version":null},"event_payload":"{
  \"id\": \"evt_...\",
  \"object\": \"event\",
  \"api_version\": \"2020-08-27\",
  \"created\": 1696873216,
  \"data\": {
    \"object\": {
      \"id\": \"fca_...\",
      \"object\": \"financial_connections.account\",
      \"account_holder\": null,
      \"balance\": null,
      \"balance_refresh\": null,
      \"category\": \"cash\",
      \"created\": 1696873211,
      \"display_name\": \"Success\",
      \"institution_name\": \"StripeBank\",
      \"last4\": \"7777\",
      \"livemode\": false,
      \"ownership\": null,
      \"ownership_refresh\": null,
      \"permissions\": [
      \"status\": \"active\",
      \"subcategory\": \"checking\",
      \"supported_payment_method_types\": [
  \"livemode\": false,
  \"pending_webhooks\": 2,
  \"request\": {
    \"id\": null,
    \"idempotency_key\": null
  \"type\": \"financial_connections.account.created\"
}","http_headers":{"Accept":"*/*; q=0.5, application/xml","Cache-Control":"no-cache","Content-Type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","Stripe-Signature":"t=1...","User-Agent":"Stripe/1.0 (+"},"webhook_conversation_id":"...,"webhook_id":"..."}
[Mon, 09 Oct 2023 13:40:16 EDT] DEBUG proxy.WebhookEventProcessor.ProcessEvent: Processing webhook event webhook_converesation_id=... webhook_id=...
[Mon, 09 Oct 2023 13:40:16 EDT] DEBUG proxy.WebhookEventProcessor.filterWebhookEvent: Received event with non-default API version, ignoring api_version=2023-08-16
[Mon, 09 Oct 2023 13:40:16 EDT] DEBUG Setting read deadline:
[Mon, 09 Oct 2023 13:40:16 EDT] DEBUG websocket.Client.writePump: Sending text message
[Mon, 09 Oct 2023 13:40:16 EDT] DEBUG proxy.WebhookEventProcessor.ProcessEvent: Processing webhook event webhook_converesation_id=... webhook_id=...
[Mon, 09 Oct 2023 13:40:16 EDT] DEBUG websocket.Client.writePump: Sending text message
[Mon, 09 Oct 2023 13:40:16 EDT] DEBUG proxy.EndpointClient.Post: Forwarding event to local endpoint
2023-10-09 13:40:16   --> financial_connections.account.created [evt_...]
[Mon, 09 Oct 2023 13:40:16 EDT] DEBUG websocket.Client.writePump: Sending text message
2023-10-09 13:40:16  <--  [500] POST http://localhost:4000/webhook/stripe [evt_...]

In the terminal, elixir logged the error and trace:

13:40:16.598 [error] Loading of .../_build/dev/lib/stripity_stripe/ebin/Elixir.Stripe.FinancialConnections.account.beam failed: :baffle

13:40:16.598 [error] beam/beam_load.c(180): Error loading module 'Elixir.Stripe.FinancialConnections.account':
  module name in object code is 'Elixir.Stripe.FinancialConnections.Account'

13:40:16.614 [error] beam/beam_load.c(180): Error loading module 'Elixir.Stripe.FinancialConnections.account':
  module name in object code is 'Elixir.Stripe.FinancialConnections.Account'

13:40:16.614 [error] Loading of .../_build/dev/lib/stripity_stripe/ebin/Elixir.Stripe.FinancialConnections.account.beam failed: :badfile

13:40:16.652 [error] Loading of .../_build/dev/lib/stripity_stripe/ebin/Elixir.Stripe.FinancialConnections.account.beam failed: :baffle

13:40:16.652 [error] beam/beam_load.c(180): Error loading module 'Elixir.Stripe.FinancialConnections.account':
  module name in object code is 'Elixir.Stripe.FinancialConnections.Account'

13:40:16.673 [error] #PID<0.9726.0> running Phoenix.Endpoint.SyncCodeReloadPlug (connection #PID<0.9613.0>, stream id 2) terminated
Server: localhost:4000 (http)
Request: POST /webhook/stripe
** (exit) an exception was raised:
    ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function :"Elixir.Stripe.FinancialConnections.account".__struct__/0 is undefined (module :"Elixir.Stripe.FinancialConnections.account" is not available)
        (stripity_stripe 3.0.0) lib/stripe/converter.ex:41: Stripe.Converter.convert_stripe_object/1
        (stripity_stripe 3.0.0) lib/stripe/converter.ex:34: anonymous fn/2 in Stripe.Converter.convert_map/1
        (stdlib maps.erl:411: :maps.fold_1/3
        (stripity_stripe 3.0.0) lib/stripe/converter.ex:52: anonymous fn/3 in Stripe.Converter.convert_stripe_object/1
        (elixir 1.14.5) lib/enum.ex:2468: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
        (stripity_stripe 3.0.0) lib/stripe/converter.ex:46: Stripe.Converter.convert_stripe_object/1
        (stripity_stripe 3.0.0) lib/stripe/webhook.ex:45: Stripe.Webhook.construct_event/4
        (stripity_stripe 3.0.0) lib/stripe/webhook_plug.ex:136:
tmaszk commented 10 months ago

Seems like it may be addressed by #792

github-actions[bot] commented 9 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as "stale:discard". If this issue still relevant, please leave any comment (for example, "bump"), and we'll keep it open. We are sorry that we haven't been able to prioritize it yet. If you have any new additional information, please include it with your comment.

tmaszk commented 9 months ago


github-actions[bot] commented 8 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as "stale:discard". If this issue still relevant, please leave any comment (for example, "bump"), and we'll keep it open. We are sorry that we haven't been able to prioritize it yet. If you have any new additional information, please include it with your comment.

yordis commented 8 months ago

@tmaszk are you still facing this issue?