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CLI QA - `beam services run` didn't give storage connstr to service correctly. #3425

Closed cdhanna closed 1 month ago

cdhanna commented 1 month ago

I had no containers running, and I had a service that depends on a storage.

Then I ran

beam services run --ids Window

and I also tried this with

beam services run 

But I get this error,

[Exception] Docker.DotNet.DockerContainerNotFoundException Docker API responded with status code=NotFound, response={"message":"No such container: CanOfWorms_mongoDb"}
    at Docker.DotNet.ContainerOperations.<>c.<.cctor>b__30_0(HttpStatusCode statusCode, String responseBody)
   at Docker.DotNet.DockerClient.HandleIfErrorResponseAsync(HttpStatusCode statusCode, HttpResponseMessage response, IEnumerable`1 handlers)
   at Docker.DotNet.DockerClient.MakeRequestAsync(IEnumerable`1 errorHandlers, HttpMethod method, String path, IQueryString queryString, IRequestContent body, IDictionary`2 headers, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken token)
   at Docker.DotNet.ContainerOperations.InspectContainerAsync(String id, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at cli.Services.BeamoLocalSystem.GetStorageHostPort(String storageName) in /home/runner/work/BeamableProduct/BeamableProduct/cli/cli/Services/BeamoLocalSystem_HttpMicroservice.cs:line 52
   at Beamable.Common.Promise`1.GetResult() in /home/runner/work/BeamableProduct/BeamableProduct/cli/beamable.common/Runtime/Promise.cs:line 451
   at cli.Services.BeamoLocalSystem.GetLocalConnectionString(BeamoLocalManifest localManifest, String storageName, String host) in /home/runner/work/BeamableProduct/BeamableProduct/cli/cli/Services/BeamoLocalSystem_HttpMicroservice.cs:line 71
   at cli.Services.BeamoLocalSystem.RunLocalHttpMicroservice(BeamoServiceDefinition serviceDefinition, HttpMicroserviceLocalProtocol localProtocol, BeamoLocalSystem localSystem) in
/home/runner/work/BeamableProduct/BeamableProduct/cli/cli/Services/BeamoLocalSystem_HttpMicroservice.cs:line 142

When I do a docker inspect Window_httpMicroservice, I don't see the connection string in the ENV vars.

gabrielbeamable commented 1 month ago

This is weird, is there more specifics about this? Because I just created a new organization, created a service and storage and both started just fine in docker with beam services run --ids <service>

cdhanna commented 1 month ago

yeah, I wasn't able to reproduce this on 2.0.1 rc1.