beamable / BeamableProduct

The beamable product suite including com.beamable, com.beamable.server, microservice base image, portal, the installer, and build scripts
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CLI QA - docker wont build if service isn't in top level folder #3426

Closed cdhanna closed 1 month ago

cdhanna commented 1 month ago

I did

beam init
beam project new CleanSoap

Which produced a


and then running it failed,

PS C:\Users\cdhan\Documents\SAM\clean\CleanSoap> beam services run --logs v
Trying to get option=ConfigDirOption from Env Vars! Value Found=

Using standard windows docker uri=[npipe://./pipe/docker_engine]

GET call: /basic/beamo/manifest/current

Calling: Method: GET, RequestUri: '', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.ByteArrayContent, Headers:

RESULT: StatusCode: 404, ReasonPhrase: 'Not Found', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionResponseContent, Headers:
  Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 18:57:26 GMT
  Connection: close
  Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
  Server: akka-http/10.1.15
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
  Content-Length: 110

Found csproj=[C:\Users\cdhan\Documents\SAM\clean\CleanSoap\services\CleanSoap\CleanSoap.csproj]

got json: {
  "Properties": {
    "BeamId": "",
    "BeamEnabled": "",
    "BeamProjectType": "service",
    "TargetFramework": "net6.0",
    "OutDir": "bin\\Debug\\net6.0\\"
  "Items": {
    "ProjectReference": []

app context= {
  "IsDryRun": false,
  "UsePipeOutput": false,
  "ShowRawOutput": false,
  "ShowPrettyOutput": false,
  "DotnetPath": "dotnet",
  "Token": {
    "access_token": "<hidden_token last4=(da83)>",
    "refresh_token": "<hidden_token last4=(69c9)>",
    "expires_at": "2024-05-23T15:00:25.9374639-04:00",
    "cid": "1338004997867618",
    "pid": "DE_1751365810229268"
  "Cid": "1338004997867618",
  "Pid": "DE_1751365810229268",
  "Host": "",
  "RefreshToken": "<hidden_token last4=(69c9)>",
  "WorkingDirectory": "C:\\Users\\cdhan\\Documents\\SAM\\clean\\CleanSoap",
  "LogLevel": 0

running command=[ServicesRunCommand] with parsed arguments {"BeamoIdsToDeploy":null,"forceAmdCpuArchitecture":false,"username":null,"password":null,"saveToEnvironment":false,"saveToFile":false,"printToConsole":false,"customerScoped":false,"refreshToken":""}

Error [0555]: Some of the services could not be run locally: CleanSoap

[CleanSoap] DockerBuildContext doesn't exist: [CleanSoap]

[CleanSoap] No Dockerfile found at path: [CleanSoap\CleanSoap\services\CleanSoap\Dockerfile]
cdhanna commented 1 month ago

I think I've fixed this one coincidentally