beanumber / airlines

An R package providing access to medium airline flight delay data
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problems following instructions on vignette #54

Open nicholasjhorton opened 7 years ago

nicholasjhorton commented 7 years ago

I'm running the github versions of etl and airlines.

When I ran:

library(airlines) db <- src_mysql(host="localhost", user="root", password="XX", dbname="airlines") ontime <- etl("airlines", db = db, dir = "~/dumps/airlines") ontime %>% etl_init() %>% etl_update(years = 2015:2016)

I got the following error message when it got to 2016_06:

trying URL ''

Content type 'application/x-zip-compressed' length 23829775 bytes (22.7 MB)

downloaded 22.7 MB

downloaded 0 bytes

Error in (function (url, destfile, method, quiet = FALSE, mode = "w", : cannot download all files In addition: Warning message: In (function (url, destfile, method, quiet = FALSE, mode = "w", : URL '': status was '404 Not Found'

I'm on a Mac.

nicholasjhorton commented 7 years ago

ontime %>% etl_init() %>% etl_update(years = 2013:2015) ontime %>% etl_update(years=2016, months=1:5)

worked for me.

beanumber commented 7 years ago

Yes, the June file doesn't exist and currently it does not fail gracefully.