beanumber / ctv-sportsanalytics

CRAN Task View: Sports Analytics
14 stars 5 forks source link

add initial set of CRAN packages #1

Closed beanumber closed 2 years ago

beanumber commented 2 years ago

@gjm112 can you tag Quang on here to get us started?

gjm112 commented 2 years ago

@qntkhvn Quang. There is the git repo we will use for the sports tools project.

qntkhvn commented 2 years ago

@beanumber @gjm112 Got it; thanks.

beanumber commented 2 years ago
# A tibble: 44 × 4
   Date       Package                 Title                                                                                                 low_title                            
   <chr>      <chr>                   <chr>                                                                                                 <chr>                                
 1 2021-09-27 stockfish               "Analyze Chess Games with the 'Stockfish' Engine"                                                     "analyze chess games with the 'stock…
 2 2021-09-20 hockeyR                 "Collect and Clean Hockey Stats"                                                                      "collect and clean hockey stats"     
 3 2021-09-20 yorkr                   "Analyze Cricket Performances Based on Data from Cricsheet"                                           "analyze cricket performances based …
 4 2021-09-16 retrosheet              "Import Professional Baseball Data from 'Retrosheet'"                                                 "import professional baseball data f…
 5 2021-09-11 ffsimulator             "Simulate Fantasy Football Seasons"                                                                   "simulate fantasy football seasons"  
 6 2021-09-03 ffscrapr                "API Client for Fantasy Football League Platforms"                                                    "api client for fantasy football lea…
 7 2021-08-14 SwimmeR                 "Data Import, Cleaning, and Conversions for Swimming Results"                                         "data import, cleaning, and conversi…
 8 2021-08-03 nflfastR                "Functions to Efficiently Access NFL Play by Play Data"                                               "functions to efficiently access nfl…
 9 2021-07-19 BAwiR                   "Analysis of Basketball Data"                                                                         "analysis of basketball data"        
10 2021-05-02 mlsjunkgen              "Use the MLS Junk Generator Algorithm to Generate a Stream of\nPseudo-Random Numbers"                 "use the mls junk generator algorith…
11 2021-04-24 aRbs                    "Find Arbitrage Opportunities for Sports Matches"                                                     "find arbitrage opportunities for sp…
12 2021-04-20 sportyR                 "Plot Scaled 'ggplot' Representations of Sports Playing Surfaces"                                     "plot scaled 'ggplot' representation…
13 2021-04-10 nflseedR                "Functions to Efficiently Simulate and Evaluate NFL Seasons"                                          "functions to efficiently simulate a…
14 2021-04-09 Lahman                  "Sean 'Lahman' Baseball Database"                                                                     "sean 'lahman' baseball database"    
15 2021-04-06 AdvancedBasketballStats "Advanced Basketball Statistics"                                                                      "advanced basketball statistics"     
16 2021-03-23 cricketr                "Analyze Cricketers and Cricket Teams Based on ESPN Cricinfo\nStatsguru"                              "analyze cricketers and cricket team…
17 2021-03-17 footballpenaltiesBL     "Penalties in the German Men's Football Bundesliga"                                                   "penalties in the german men's footb…
18 2021-03-17 nfl4th                  "Functions to Calculate Optimal Fourth Down Decisions in the\nNational Football League"               "functions to calculate optimal four…
19 2021-03-16 fitzRoy                 "Easily Scrape and Process AFL Data"                                                                  "easily scrape and process afl data" 
20 2021-01-07 nbapalettes             "An NBA Jersey Palette Generator"                                                                     "an nba jersey palette generator"    
21 2021-01-04 uncmbb                  "UNC Men's Basketball Match Results Since 1949-1950 Season"                                           "unc men's basketball match results …
22 2020-12-04 chess                   "Read, Write, Create and Explore Chess Games"                                                         "read, write, create and explore che…
23 2020-10-14 qqr                     "Data from Brazilian Soccer Championship"                                                             "data from brazilian soccer champion…
24 2020-10-13 gsisdecoder             "High Efficient Functions to Decode NFL Player IDs"                                                   "high efficient functions to decode …
25 2020-08-05 bigchess                "Read, Write, Manipulate, Explore Chess PGN Files and R API to\nUCI Chess Engines"                    "read, write, manipulate, explore ch…
26 2020-06-26 BasketballAnalyzeR      "Analysis and Visualization of Basketball Data"                                                       "analysis and visualization of baske…
27 2020-06-21 ggsoccer                "Plot Soccer Event Data"                                                                              "plot soccer event data"             
28 2020-05-03 trackeRapp              "Interface for the Analysis of Running, Cycling and Swimming Data\nfrom GPS-Enabled Tracking Devices" "interface for the analysis of runni…
29 2020-01-22 teamcolors              "Color Palettes for Pro Sports Teams"                                                                 "color palettes for pro sports teams"
30 2019-10-05 TouRnament              "Tools for Sports Competitions"                                                                       "tools for sports competitions"      
31 2019-07-03 socceR                  "Evaluating Sport Tournament Predictions"                                                             "evaluating sport tournament predict…
32 2019-05-27 piratings               "Calculate Pi Ratings for Teams Competing in Sport Matches"                                           "calculate pi ratings for teams comp…
33 2019-05-20 volleystat              "Detailed Statistics on Volleyball Matches"                                                           "detailed statistics on volleyball m…
34 2019-05-15 trackeR                 "Infrastructure for Running, Cycling and Swimming Data from\nGPS-Enabled Tracking Devices"            "infrastructure for running, cycling…
35 2019-04-29 NBAloveR                "Help Basketball Data Analysis"                                                                       "help basketball data analysis"      
36 2018-08-24 mvglmmRank              "Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Ranking Sports\nTeams"                              "multivariate generalized linear mix…
37 2018-03-16 mlbstats                "Major League Baseball Player Statistics Calculator"                                                  "major league baseball player statis…
38 2017-12-18 SpatialBall             "Spatial NBA Visualization and Analysis"                                                              "spatial nba visualization and analy…
39 2017-06-15 baseballDBR             "Sabermetrics and Advanced Baseball Statistics"                                                       "sabermetrics and advanced baseball …
40 2017-03-08 NHLData                 "Scores for Every Season Since the Founding of the NHL in 1917"                                       "scores for every season since the f…
41 2017-02-20 colorr                  "Color Palettes for EPL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and NFL Teams"                                                "color palettes for epl, mlb, nba, n…
42 2016-06-12 engsoccerdata           "English and European Soccer Results 1871-2016"                                                       "english and european soccer results…
43 2013-10-23 fbRanks                 "Association Football (Soccer) Ranking via Poisson Regression"                                        "association football (soccer) ranki…
44 2013-04-07 SportsAnalytics         "Infrastructure for Sports Analytics"                                                                 "infrastructure for sports analytics"
beanumber commented 2 years ago

closed in favor of more specific issues.