beanumber / ctv-sportsanalytics

CRAN Task View: Sports Analytics
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think about core packages #28

Closed beanumber closed 2 years ago

beanumber commented 2 years ago

For the "core" packages I suggest to simply go with some of the most substantial packages for some of the more prominent sports.

Investigate most popular packages and consider putting them in the core.

qntkhvn commented 2 years ago

I just took a quick look at this. (R script)

The top 10 in terms of cumulative downloads are

(teamcolors' rank is 20.)

beanumber commented 2 years ago

Nice work! It's a pretty significant drop-off after the first two.

If you look since January 1st, 2020, you get:

# A tibble: 83 × 4
# Groups:   package [70]
   date       count cumulative package        
   <date>     <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>          
 1 2022-04-19   990     687540 Lahman         
 2 2022-04-19   255     486527 BradleyTerry2  
 3 2022-04-19    33      29313 nflfastR       
 4 2022-04-19    30      25798 pitchRx        
 5 2022-04-19     8      23089 ggsoccer       
 6 2022-04-19    12      20239 BAwiR          
 7 2022-04-19     9      19986 yorkr          
 8 2022-04-19    29      19652 implied        
 9 2022-04-19    14      19328 NHLData        
10 2022-04-19    12      19304 SportsAnalytics

The packages on both lists are Lahman, BradleyTerry2, pitchRx, BAwiR, SportsAnalytics. Stick with those?

qntkhvn commented 2 years ago

Sure. I have specified priority = "core" for those packages. I did not include SportsAnalytics since the package looks incomplete and it was last updated in 2013. I also included nflfastR, given its recent popularity.

tanho63 commented 2 years ago

commenting on nflfastR as a maintainer I think most people should use nflreadr, which provides access to the "finished product" of nflfastR modelling

qntkhvn commented 2 years ago

I added nflverse, which consists of both nflfastR and nflreadr, as a core pkg. See #31.

beanumber commented 2 years ago

Thanks @qntkhvn .

I'm thinking that we might want to add baseballr to the list of core packages. I know it's new to CRAN, but I think a lot of people use this already.

qntkhvn commented 2 years ago

Sure. I've added baseballr to the core list.