For INC1521818 - found while putting together the funannotate pipeline for 2023a
time eb EVidenceModeler-2.1.0-foss-2022a.eb --rebuild -Tr
This rebuilds EVM with the file in the top dir, which the funannotate test command needs. There's a couple of other minor improvements that i've merged in from the new upstream 2023a, improving the parafly plugin build.
For INC1521818 - found while putting together the funannotate pipeline for 2023a
time eb EVidenceModeler-2.1.0-foss-2022a.eb --rebuild -Tr
This rebuilds EVM with the file in the top dir, which the
funannotate test
command needs. There's a couple of other minor improvements that i've merged in from the new upstream 2023a, improving the parafly plugin build.Default: