bear / python-twitter

A Python wrapper around the Twitter API.
Apache License 2.0
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Remove tweet shortening and display the full text #678

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

how to disable tweet shortening at the end?

and crypto in 2020 and the exte…

see the link for full unshortened tweet.

Can at least the link be removed to get some more tweet chars in there? The resp = self._RequestUrl(url, 'GET', data=parameters) seems to at least include "truncated":true,, can this flag be forcibly enabled, workaround?


            tweets_ = self._api.GetUserTimeline(user_id=user_id,
                                                since_id=since_id,  # >
ghost commented 3 years ago

during init set tweet_mode: extended, see

jimniDev commented 3 years ago

Can I ask how did you figure out this issue? It also happens to me and I want to get full text either. I think it happens to tweets contain url links (things that twitter doesnt regard as text so it must be <140, but not for this module, or api) Did you change tweet_mode to compatibility ? or something? Thank you in advance.

ghost commented 3 years ago

barely remember but:

twitter.Api(**api_kwargs) # with   tweet_mode: extended
tweets = self.get_tweets(<userid>)

some tweets seem still to be limited

The-town commented 2 years ago

You can get the full text below.

api = twitter.Api(**api_kwargs, tweet_mode='extended')
tweets = get_tweets(api=api, screen_name=screen_name)

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