bearded / ruby-ldap

Ruby/LDAP is an extension library for Ruby. It provides the interface to some LDAP libraries (e.g. OpenLDAP, Netscape SDK and Active Directory). The common API for application development is described in RFC1823 and is supported by Ruby/LDAP.
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Is it possible to add 'newsuperior' to the modrdn function? #1

Open MattMencel opened 14 years ago

MattMencel commented 14 years ago

No idea if this would work....but the PERL examples I've seen put newsuperior before deleteoldrdn in the params list.

Thanks, Matt



/* If the number here specifies the number of required params...

ULONG ldap_modrdn2_s(LDAP *ld, PCHAR olddn, PCHAR newdn, PCHAR newsuperior, int delold_flag);

rbldap.h line 117

VALUE rb_ldap_conn_modrdn_s (VALUE, VALUE, VALUE, VALUE, VALUE);

MattMencel commented 14 years ago

This c library has newsuperior in it...

MattMencel commented 12 years ago

Any further thoughts on this? Right now I have my ruby program doing an external call out to a perl script for these newsuperior actions.
