beardedspice / beardedspice

Mac Media Keys for the Masses
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Catalina Compatibility #918

Open lhbachman opened 4 years ago

lhbachman commented 4 years ago

I just updated to MacOS Catalina and Bearded Spice is not working for the Music app (formerly Itunes). Muy guess is that the change in name messed it up because it is still working in Spotify. Your software is amazing! I hope it will be working with Itunes/Music again soon.

PsamatheM commented 4 years ago

I'm finding the same except, exit from BeardedSpice and the media keys still don't work with the Music app so might be something in the Music app itself rather the just a name change. (Media keys do still work with other media apps)

arnemart commented 4 years ago

Media keys should work fine (and do for me) in the Music app when BeardedSpice isn't running, I'm pretty sure it's just a name change. I have a few AppleScripts that I used for doing stuff in iTunes, and they all work just as before if i change "iTunes" to "Music".

PsamatheM commented 4 years ago

Media keys should work fine (and do for me) in the Music app when BeardedSpice isn't running

I tried again and they don't work. A Google search found some reports (Reddit) of people suffering the same issue, but few reports so probably not everybody. But I've two MacBooks both running release Catalina and media keys don't work with Music on either (when BeardedSpice is not running) but media keys do work with BeardedSpice to other player apps (e.g. Downcast).

But it's actually a bit weird as I tested on one MacBook, exited BeardedSpice and they didn't work with Music app. Set BeardedSpice not to start on login, rebooted and tried and they worked; ran BeardedSpice and Quit BeardedSpice and they still worked so probably some bug thing in Catalina and unrelated to BeardedSpice

Correction: Older (late-2012) MacBook media keys do not work with Music even when BeardedSpice not run at login after a re-boot but they do work through BeardedSpice with other player apps.

tclu513 commented 4 years ago

I meet the same problem.

arnemart commented 4 years ago

I just realized the media keys work with Youtube in Safari by default in Catalina 🤯

pinksynth commented 4 years ago

@arnemart I just discovered that media keys work in YouTube in Catalina as well.

Jelle-elaut commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue since Catalina! Would be great if this is fixed 🙂

Stillness-2 commented 4 years ago

@Jelle-elaut #899

macbikegeek commented 4 years ago

Just updated to Catalina last night and can confirm not working with Music app.

flickervinyl commented 4 years ago

having the same problem, if anyone knows how to fix please let me know

allejo commented 4 years ago

After trying to run this on Catalina and it failing to work, my media keys stopped working entirely after I removed the app. If anyone else runs into this, I had to restart my computer and that fixed my keys.

sugarfreecane commented 4 years ago

After trying to run this on Catalina and it failing to work, my media keys stopped working entirely after I removed the app. If anyone else runs into this, I had to restart my computer and that fixed my keys.

Having the same issue; is there any fix in the works? will the app run on Catalina?

karenjennyli commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same problem too! I can't believe it hasn't been resolved... this has been an issue for a while.

ijoseph commented 4 years ago

This fix strikes me as a weekend project for a coder that doesn't know Objective-C and perhaps only a few hours for someone that does.

fparyani commented 2 years ago

Can confirm this is still an issue on OS Monterey, has there been an update for this?