bearkillerPT / pokeMMOFarmBoye

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[Question] Screen resolution and requirements #2

Open loweluis opened 1 year ago

loweluis commented 1 year ago

Hi, I just found out about this post and hoping I can use it too I want to ask whats the screen resolution for the game? is it 1280x720? I also made a requirements.txt so people can just do pip install -r requirements.txt, can you double check if its the right scripts? Thanks for this script hoping I can use it soon. requirements.txt

bearkillerPT commented 1 year ago

Hey! Tbh I don't know. Haven't used it in a bit and at the time I skipped some steps when it comes to making it compatible with game resolution and window placement. From what I can tell from the demos I recorded I suppose I was doing wither Windowed 1920x1080 or the same but less height to have a terminal on the bottom of the screen. Do you have a specific task you wish to accomplish? I've been playing johto when I have time. Furthermore I used hotkeys for teleport and sweet scent but I guess the code should have some comments. Do you have a specific task you want done? Meanwhile I worked in another bot and I think I can make the code easier to user but I don't really feel like remaking the entire thing xD

bearkillerPT commented 1 year ago

BTW the code in this image:


Was kind of a shortcut xD I didn't feel like programming my own app with push notfications so I used some free app with a free limit... Saw ut because of the requests requirement. I'll add it. You can PR it if you want to!

bearkillerPT commented 1 year ago

Just got myself this months beast! Added a new script that walks left and right and runs away of anything not shiny or beast. My advice is to find a place where you can go left and right without leaving the farming zone (by having walls on both ends i.e). This one only uses the resolution for the cropped zone were pytesseract reads the text... it's not perfect but it works!

AmzharTech commented 10 months ago

Hey, is it possible for you to add where to start? I'm a bit confused on where I should be standing for the bot to work. Also what pokemon in which slot and which item in which slot as well.


bearkillerPT commented 10 months ago

Hey, is it possible for you to add where to start? I'm a bit confused on where I should be standing for the bot to work. Also what pokemon in which slot and which item in which slot as well.


I'd recommend you only look at the file. You've two main functions: farming beasts (walks back and forth and runs until a shiny or a beast is found). For this one you can place yourself in any grass patch and then define in the walk around function if you want the bot to go up and down or left and right; Farming hordes can be used with many different goFromPcToEtc so you can farm many different hordes. It expects you to be at the door, outside, of the Pokemon center.

Both functions mainly just run away until something good happens. I'm using gotify to notify me on my mobile phone when that happens. I'll probably work on a farm dittos function but I don't have the time right now.

The hotkeys used are saved in variables at the start of the script and are just sweet scent (5) and teleport (6). Hope this helps!