beartype / plum

Multiple dispatch in Python
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"Could not resolve the type hint of" warning, for TypeVar #101

Open giladbarnea opened 8 months ago

giladbarnea commented 8 months ago

Hi, thanks for the awesome library! Super useful.

I've been getting this warning:



from typing import TypeVar

from plum import dispatch

class Foo:

FooClass = TypeVar("FooClass")

def bar(created_chat: int) -> int:
    return ...

def bar(
    foo_cls: FooClass = Foo,
) -> FooClass:
    return ...

wesselb commented 8 months ago

Hey @giladbarnea! Thanks for opening an issue. :)

Unfortunately type variables are currently not supported. :( It would be awesome to support them, but this is not a trivial undertaking.

If you ignore the warnings, your code will run, but it will not behave as expected:

from typing import TypeVar

from plum import dispatch

T = TypeVar("T")

def f(x: T) -> T:
    return 1
>>> f(2)   # OK so far...

>>> f("2")  # Nope! T_T This should error.
giladbarnea commented 8 months ago

Thanks for replying!

This is a bit of a bummer, if possible can you tell me a few reasons why supporting TypeVars is difficult? Hopefully I'll find some time and maybe try to fix it.

wesselb commented 8 months ago

@giladbarnea in principle supporting TypeVars should be possible, and I would really like to support them in the future. To do this, I think some kind of solver would have to be implemented that matches the type variables to concrete types. I've not thought super carefully about it, but this seems like a complex undertaking, since type variables can occur in all sorts of complicated nested types, e.g. Callable[dict[str, Tin], Treturn] -> Treturn.

leycec commented 8 months ago

Note to the unwise and the unwary: @beartype and thus Plum should superficially support a TypeVar with either:

In either case, @beartype and thus Plum should reduce that TypeVar to that bounds and those constraints. This may require @beartype 0.16.0, which I'm on the precipice of releasing this Friday. Dare I do it? I dare.

As @wesselb suggests, full-blown type variable support at runtime is non-trivial in the extreme and not something anyone wants to voluntarily tackle. You'll either need full-time grant funding for that and/or Asperger's. I have the latter but not the former. Therefore, I'll eventually tackle this – but only after having exhausted every other outstanding feature request and issue in @beartype. It is the highest of the high-hanging fruit. It cannot be plucked without back pain, kidney pain, a blown ACL, and a ruptured Achilles heel. Don't go down that road, @giladbarnea.

ilan-gold commented 3 months ago

@leycec Are warnings expected with bound variables? They seem to work, but just want to make sure the warnings are expected and not from misuse.

from plum import dispatch
from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T", bound=str)

def f(x: T) -> T:
    return x

f('foo') # works with warnings
f(2) # errors, no warning
wesselb commented 3 months ago

@ilan-gold The warnings here can be ignored. Your code will run, but may not behave as expected.

Consider the following (very contrived) example:

from plum import dispatch
from typing import TypeVar

class Str2(str):

T = TypeVar("T", bound=str)

def f(x: T) -> T:
    return Str2(x)

f("hey")  # Works, but shouldn't, because the input is `str` and the output a `Str2`!
sylvorg commented 1 month ago

f("hey") # Works, but shouldn't, because the input is str and the output a Str2!

Doesn't that work just because Str2 is a subclass of str?

wesselb commented 3 weeks ago

Right, I see what you're saying. I believe that the way T is supposed to work is that it binds to exact types.

Consider instead the following example:

from plum import dispatch
from typing import TypeVar

class Str2(str):

T = TypeVar("T", str, int)

def f(x: T) -> T:
    return 1

f("1")  # Works, but shouldn't, because the input is `str` and the output a `int`!
sylvorg commented 3 weeks ago

Wait, this time, aren't the constraints functioning as a union of types now, though?

wesselb commented 3 weeks ago

Wait, this time, aren't the constraints functioning as a union of types now, though?

That's what's currently happening, yes, but it's not the correct behaviour.

The above code should be equal to

def f(x: str) -> str:

def f(x: int) -> int:

It would be great to properly support type parameters, but unfortunately that's not an easy feat.

sylvorg commented 3 weeks ago

Why not get the type of the argument passed to the function, find the index of the type in the constraint, then check the index of the return type in the return constraint? With special consideration of exact types. Like:

def check(func, arg, argvar, _return, returnvar):
    argtype = type(arg)
    returntype = type(_return)
    for i, t in enumerate(returnvar.__constraints__):
        if argtype is t and argvar.__contraints__[i] is t:
            return True
    for i, t in enumerate(returnvar.__constraints__):
        if issubclass(argtype, t) and issubclass (argvar.__contraints__[i], t):
            return True
    return False

Of course, this is just a short mock-up!

wesselb commented 3 weeks ago

@sylvorg, you're totally right that this would be a nice attempt at supporting type parameters. Currently, we don't do any of this.

Should you want to have a go at trying to properly support type parameters, then that would be super exciting. I think the basic cases can be covered in a fairly straightforward way. Getting all the edge cases will likely be tedious and very difficult.

sylvorg commented 3 weeks ago

I'll try my best, but it'll take me a while to understand the code base; which files would you recommend I look at, other than

wesselb commented 3 weeks ago

To be honest, this might be a pretty major undertaking that touches a large part of the codebase. It's currently not clear to me what the best way of going about it would be.

I'm thinking that we could add a "type parameter resolution stage" in, where Methods with type parameters are converted into Methods without type parameters. Not entirely sure.

sylvorg commented 3 weeks ago

Is there any function in the codebase you can think of that gets the argument type, the argument annotation, the return type, and the return annotation? Or a series of functions? I could start working from there. Or would they all be in

wesselb commented 3 weeks ago

Function in collects all Methods ( Here a method is defined as an implementation of a function for a type signature.

The actual types of the arguments are only considered at the very last stage of dispatch, in Resolver chooses which Method is appropriate for the given arguments. I think that's the point where type parameters could be handled.

Thinking about it, I think all that might be required is a matching algorithm that attempts to determine the values of the type parameters (the first hit suffices) and which then replaces that type parameter by the matched value.

sylvorg commented 3 weeks ago

Thinking about it, I think all that might be required is a matching algorithm that attempts to determine the values of the type parameters (the first hit suffices) and which then replaces that type parameter by the matched value.

Sorry, could you expand on this a little bit? What do you mean by "replaces that type parameter by the matched value"?

wesselb commented 3 weeks ago

@sylvorg, basically, if the signature is (list[T], int, T) -> T and the arguments are ([1], 5, "test"), then, by matching list[T] to [1], it is clear that T = int. Therefore, we can substitute int for T, giving the "concrete" signature (list[int], int, int) -> int, and we can use the existing machinery on that concrete signature.

sylvorg commented 3 weeks ago

Oof; this is getting a little too confusing for me... 😅 Would we not also have to match the type of the return value as well as the arguments provided to the function?

wesselb commented 16 hours ago

@sylvorg, yes, that's completely right, and it's one of the main challenges why this is so difficult. :( In general, signatures can depend on T in arbitrarily complex ways, and you need a generic mechanism that can infer the value of T for arbitrary arguments.

We could decide to take it step by step and only support type parameters in a limited manner. If we code things up in a robust and sound way and give appropriate warnings to the user, I would be fully on board with that.