Closed GuyBaele closed 6 years ago
Same issue with birthDeath.relativeDeathRate.
These are [0, 1] parameters and should be a random walk (possibly on a logit scale?). On the other hand I would really love to drop pInv all together.
I don't really mind dropping the pInv, but the general principle still holds: for some models, we may need a probability parameter in the [0,1] space and we'll have to estimate it using a correct transition kernel. Random walk after logit seems fine to me.
Absolutely agree. Actually one of the reasons I put the restriction on scale with an upper bound is for that reason. If we think the posterior will be diffuse over the 0,1 interval (i.e., sampling a tipdate within a year) then a uniform may be appropriate. With pInv a tuneable random walk is the way to go.
Didn't mean to close this.
Should probably create a novel transition kernel, which first performs a logit transformation, then a random walk on the transformed parameter and then does an inverse logit. Need to take into account the Jacobian for the logit transformation. We can keep the U[0,1] prior on the original variable.
Probably easier to have a reflected random walk on these and then use a beta distribution prior.
Was just thinking about a RW Logit kernel. Could be useful.
To follow this up, randomWalkOperator can take boundaryCondition="logit". Will make this the default TK on pInv. Probably should change the name of the attribute to transform="logit" (or log).
Generate a BEAST XML in BEAUti and select to assume a proportion of invariant sites.
Upon running in BEAST, I get the following error: SEVERE: Parsing error - poorly formed BEAST file, infile.xml: Error parsing '' element with id, 'null':
Scale operator can't be used on parameters with a finite upper bound (use a RandomWalk) (pInv)
Error thrown at: dr.inferencexml.operators.ScaleOperatorParser.parseXMLObject(
The XML contains the following:
Removing the upper="1.0" attribute from the XML does not fix the problem though. It seems as if the uniform prior (in the prior block), which has a correct finite upper bound, is what prevents this from running?