beatgammit / node-coordinator

Converts between GPS coordinate systems
39 stars 14 forks source link

Can't seem to import with Node v7 #8

Open DenisCarriere opened 7 years ago

DenisCarriere commented 7 years ago

I've used this library in the past, it works great! However I seem to only get undefined when I try to do require('coordinator').

Tried on Ubuntu with Node 6

$ node -v
$ npm install coordinator
test@1.0.0 /root/test
└── coordinator@0.5.0 
$ node
> require('coordinator')

Tried on MacOSX with Node 7

$ node -v
$ npm install coordinator
test@1.0.0 /Users/mac/Github/test
└── coordinator@0.5.0 
$ node
> require('coordinator')
phdesign commented 7 years ago

I'm getting the same error on macosx with node v5.1.0.

phdesign commented 7 years ago

Rolling back to v0.4.7 of coordinator works for me, looks like AMD support broke.

npm uninstall coordinator
npm install coordinator@0.4.7 --save