beatmasterRS / skin.arctic.zephyr.mod

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Thumbs or background is not show with podcasts add-ons #361

Closed Nanomani closed 3 years ago

Nanomani commented 3 years ago

If you use podcasts add-ons (RSS Podcasts / Apple Itunes Podcasts) in widgets, thumb is show very fine. The background set in "skin-settings => home menu" too :)

eg : 2

then when you listen one of this podcast :

eg :

fullscreen 1

home 3


beatmasterRS commented 3 years ago

Where should the background-image come from? From ArtistSlideshow?

Nanomani commented 3 years ago

Where should the background-image come from? From ArtistSlideshow?

not at all :)


EDIT : without "NowPlaying", background is displayed

beatmasterRS commented 3 years ago

Could you please try to remove line 386 and test?

EDIT: for homemenu

beatmasterRS commented 3 years ago

in music visualisation settings you have also set a fallback image?


Nanomani commented 3 years ago

Could you please try to remove line 386 and test?

EDIT: for homemenu

This make the job. the issue with background is gone :) thanks a lot


Nanomani commented 3 years ago

in music visualisation settings you have also set a fallback image?


yes thanks :)
I listen only podcasts audio (no video)

beatmasterRS commented 3 years ago

I don't know at the moment how to fix this so that it works in all situations :D

With removing line 386, when no AS image was found:


With removing line 386, when AS image was found:


Line 386 enabled, results in the following, when no AS image was found:


I hate the background varianle :D

beatmasterRS commented 3 years ago

We will see, who has first a solution for that, that fits all needs :D

Nanomani commented 3 years ago

If you have an intuition for the thumbnail displayed in the widgets but not on the cover I take. Even the beginnings of an idea. You always have good advice. thanks :)

Nanomani commented 3 years ago

I hate the background varianle :D

I know :D

Nanomani commented 3 years ago

If you have an intuition for the thumbnail displayed in the widgets but not on the cover I take. Even the beginnings of an idea. You always have good advice. thanks :)

perhaps an new condition in "Includes_Images.xml" line 203 ?

    <variable name="PlayerPoster">
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.poster))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.poster)]</value>
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Player.Art(poster))">$INFO[Player.Art(poster)]</value>
Nanomani commented 3 years ago

We will see, who has first a solution for that, that fits all needs :D

sorry I don't kwon how to add code like you from source file in github ...

can you replace line 386 with that :

    `<value condition="Skin.HasSetting(extended.nowplaying) + Window.IsVisible(home) + !ControlGroup(301).HasFocus() + !Skin.HasSetting(home.dontshowfanart) + String.IsEmpty(Container(301).ListItem.Property(backgroundPlaylist)) + String.IsEmpty(Player.Art(fanart)) + String.IsEmpty(Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow.Image)) + Player.HasMedia + String.IsEmpty(Container(300).ListItem.Property(background))">common/null.png</value>`

make a test please :)

I have just add a condition + String.IsEmpty(Container(300).ListItem.Property(background))

beatmasterRS commented 3 years ago

<value condition="Skin.HasSetting(extended.nowplaying) + Window.IsVisible(home) + !ControlGroup(301).HasFocus() + !Skin.HasSetting(home.dontshowfanart) + String.IsEmpty(Container(301).ListItem.Property(backgroundPlaylist)) + String.IsEmpty(Player.Art(fanart)) + String.IsEmpty(Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow.Image)) + Player.HasMedia + String.IsEmpty(Container(300).ListItem.Property(background))">common/null.png</value>

Works for me, you ar a champ :D

beatmasterRS commented 3 years ago

commit is done: ad2bc2e547c26dbbdbaa1059c15c5f51770c764b :)

beatmasterRS commented 3 years ago

sorry I don't kwon how to add code like you from source file in github ...

I dont know, if you mean this?


Choose "Copy permalink", paste the link here and the code line s will be shown. You can also choose more than one line.

Nanomani commented 3 years ago

I dont know, if you mean this?

yes. thanks :)