beatrice-casey / Instagram

A recreation of Instagram by creating our own backend using Parse
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Project Feedback! #1

Open codepathreview opened 4 years ago

codepathreview commented 4 years ago

It looks like your video walkthrough doesn't seem to show some of the required stories as follows:

Also, for the stretch feature wherein the user can like a post and see the number of like of the post is not fully implemented. The user can only like the post but the number of likes cannot be seen on the screen.

Can you update this and resubmit?

codepathreview commented 4 years ago

Nice work, Beatrice!

We put together a detailed Project 4 Feedback Guide here: ( which covers the most common issues with this project. Read through the feedback guide point-by-point to determine how you could improve your submission.

We hope you enjoyed the course and learned a lot in the process and look forward to see what you build for your final internship project!

/cc @codepathreview

majia67 commented 4 years ago

Congratulations on finishing the third and last CodePath assignment! It's great to see you finishing all the MVP features of this complex app and many extra stories as well.

I don't have much feedback this week:

  1. Usually the javadoc on top of class is adjacent to the class declaration. So this empty line is not required
  2. protected means it's only accessible for the class's children. However members like rvPosts are not used in the child class. It's better to hide its access using private specifier so the child won't break the contract with its parent.

You're into the phase of building your own app and I hope the knowledge and experience learned from the CodePath assignments could help you. Keep up the good work ☺️