beaucarnes / mern-exercise-tracker-mongodb

MERN exercise tracker - code for tutorial
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'react-scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. #10

Open utkzas opened 4 years ago

utkzas commented 4 years ago

I am creating a MERN Stack App and when I run nodemon server, i get this error C:\Users\utkarsh\chaiDB\mern-chaicoffeebiscuit>nodemon server [nodemon] 2.0.2 [nodemon] to restart at any time, enterrs [nodemon] watching dir(s): *.* [nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json [nodemon] startingreact-scripts start server 'react-scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...

It worked succesfully until i started to work on the frontend using reactJS. Now I have the full app completed. but the mongoDB server does not run now. I have already tried commands like npm install react-scripts --save but still, i see the same error. I even reinstalled my Windows 8.1 (i loved the project by my heart and wanted to complete it)

utkzas commented 4 years ago

please help me, this was my first app using MERN

kazmiali commented 4 years ago

Make sure that you have run npm install in the backend and in the main folder.

sampathracherla commented 4 years ago

Hi utkzas - did that resolve the issue?- Im getting the same error and here are the my versions: - Can anybody please help - thanks

PS C:\Users\sampa\mern-excercise> nodemon server [nodemon] 2.0.4 [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter rs [nodemon] watching path(s): . [nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json [nodemon] starting react-scripts start server 'react-scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...

[nodemon] 2.0.4 npm -v -6.14.6 node -v - v12.18.3

utkzas commented 3 years ago

Hello @sampathracherla

The folder you are accessing is PS C:\Users\sampa\mern-excercise> which is not your backend folder. Try doing cd backend and then run nodemon server

Regards Utkarsh Sharma