beauchamplab / rave

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How to preprocess subject without launching web app (use command lines only) #18

Open dipterix opened 5 years ago

dipterix commented 5 years ago

One advantage of RAVE preprocessing pipeline is that it moves "referencing" part to the main application. Instead of reference first and then wavelet, RAVE wavelet and then reference. (Mathematically and numerically they produce exactly the same result).

In RAVE, preprocessing pipeline has four sections:

  1. Import subject from raw file
  2. Notch filter
  3. Wavelet
  4. Create epoch files (Optional)

Because there is no reference before wavelet. You just need to do wavelet once.

I wrote a script for you in case you want to run in command lines.

dipterix commented 5 years ago
# Skip the first two commands if you already have rave version ">="
# Use rave::rave_version() to check current version

# Update RAVE:

# Install rstudioapi if you don't have it, use rutabaga:::package_installed('rstudioapi')

# Load preprocessing script
fpath = system.file('utils/preprocessing_no_gui.R', package = 'rave')
rstudioapi::documentNew(text = paste(readLines(fpath), collapse = '\n'), type = 'r')

Then a demo preprocessing script is created for you.