beauchamplab / rave

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RAVE crashed after wavelet/editing epoch files #23

Closed dipterix closed 3 years ago

dipterix commented 5 years ago

In issue, there are two places where the assumptions fail.

Possible reason 1:

Your epoch file is broken. Usually this is because when editing the epoch file, Excel transform character data into numbers.

Check columns in your epoch file. You need to make sure column Block matches. Let's say, your block number is 008, Excel might change it to 8 because it thinks this is a number.

To change it back, type in excel ="008", and force the block number remain as is.

Possible reason 2:

You run wavelet and reference the data, then go back and change the frequencies and re-run wavelet.

RAVE is designed so that you only need to run wavelet once. If you generate reference file and go back to run wavelet again and change frequencies, RAVE will also crash. However this is fixable.

To fix the problem,

  1. Go to subject rave folder, usually in your ~/rave_data/data_dir/, or enter rave::rave_options('data_dir') if you have changed the path;
  2. Go to subfolder [project] > subject > rave > data
  3. Check folder reference, back-up all .h5 files and remove these files from reference folder
  4. Check folder cache, remove reference folder
  5. In R, run rave::init_app(), go to reference module, load all raw traces
  6. On the left side input panel, at generate reference, re-generate all the references you deleted
dipterix commented 5 years ago

The original issue is misleading because the error message is for something else.