beautifier / js-beautify

Beautifier for javascript
MIT License
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Beautifier inserts Unicode Character 'END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK' unexpectedly #1379

Open advanceddeveloper opened 6 years ago

advanceddeveloper commented 6 years ago


Online beautifier sometimes inserts \u0017 character at random places in the source code.


Click to expand:

Input ```js var g=(b,c)=>(a,C)=>ab[a(t=(t<<4)-(t^8),t^4)], l=(a,b,c)=>(a=k(...(a=[a+b^61],a[a[a&b]]=+c.a,a),c))&&m(a,c), o=(a,b)=>l((a=h+(b^=142))[b++]+a[b]^a,a[b^=186]+a[++b]^a,h(b^=49,b+=4)), d=(e,f,g,t)=>b(d,~(g*9-e+f-(t*=2)))(c(f=e%17/t,e=f-g-3,(e%10^f^-g)%(t+4)))(), n=(a,b)=>a[j((a,b,c)=>a^21+b[29]-~b[17+c[29]],(-~a<<3)*5+(a^2),(a&b|1<<6)+25,b)], m=(e,f,x)=>n(e,f)([~~e]+(m+x)[5]+(g``+e)[21]+~~b(e)+~~e+~~x+~~e[f]+~~f[e]+~~b(a)+5|0), i=(h,i,j)=>[d((i^=22,h^=3)*6,[i+8]+(h^2)^!h,~i-5,i-h>>2,(h=[i+=h])[~!i]=g(i,h),h[i--&h.i]=i^149),[j,h-i*2-4,h,[i*3^h.g]]], k=(a,b)=>i(i.b=b%~a*3+4,i.b^25)[~~a][a!=[a,b^=a][~~a]?j((a,b,c)=>a.b<0?b/2+c[29]-d^12:a(a.b,6,22)|0,(-~a<<3)*5+(a^2),(a&b|1<<6)+25,b):k(-~a,c(b,a^b.d))], e=(e,g,h,i,j,k)=>b(i+g,g+~h+(i^=h-g)+19)[(i=[i+52])[~i.g]=(h[~h.e]+g)[i%10],f(i.g=-~i+g+~h^41+(k?j-k(g%16/2,(i+1)%12):k&e),i.g+8,-~i-20,g+(h+6&2),i)](e), a=(b,c)=>(a.r=(b.o+8||a)+c)[b.n^c]+a.r[b=b^a.r[c*--b+~(c=a.r)]]+c[a.s^--b*2]+c[[b^=8]+b]+(a.k=(!!b+c)[b&c])+(a.v=c[b+=4])+(a.m+c)[a.r&1]+c[c^b-7]+a.k+c[b+5]+a.v, h=(a,b)=>([a,b]=i(a+b>>2,a+~b+34,a*b-9),a[e(...b,b[0]^=37)+e(...b,b[0]^=21)+e(...b,b[0]^=17)+(a=e(...b,b[0]^=11))][e(...b,b[0]^=1)+e(...b,b[0]^=24)+e(...b)])()*(1/(1-~a)+a+(~a-2))^a, f=(a,c,d,e,h)=>(a+=b(f.r^e.o,d.h)||f)[c+h%(e-h-c<>5)]+(h=[h,h[d-e>>6]])[1]+a[~-(++c^d-e+(h[0]^h[1]))]+a[f.z=h[a]^f.z]+a[c=++c+f.z]+h[1]+a[c+=d%10]+a[e=e^c+2]+a[e^195], c=(d,e,f)=>d(j=d-(k.d=h(b^=45,c^=82)),[...a+a.b][e(...j=i(j^b-3,j^c*3-4,j^109)[1],(j[0]^=12,k.d),h)+e(...j,j[0]^=17)+e(...j)]((a,b,c)=>1/a?j.a=j.a*10-a*~(j.c=d-(k.d=h((-~j.b<<3^j.c)+~j.c,j.c^11|j.c))):j.b+=1/c[--b]?e(...(j[j.c^j.d]^=j.a,j.a&=j.c,j),k.d,h):[j.d],j.a=0,j.b=''),j.b); o(); ```

Expected Output

The same as actual output, but without endoftransmissionblock characters.

Actual Output

Click to expand:

Output ```js var g = (b, c) => (a, C) => a < C ? b(a) : f(~b + c), b = (b, t) => b[a(t = (t << 4) - (t ^ 8), t ^ 4)], l = (a, b, c) => (a = k(...(a = [a + b ^ 61], a[a[a & b]] = +c.a, a), c)) && m(a, c), o = (a, b) => l((a = h + (b ^= 142))[b++] + a[b] ^ a, a[b ^= 186] + a[++b] ^ a, h(b ^= 49, b += 4)), d = (e, f, g, t) => b(d, ~(g * 9 - e + f - (t *= 2)))(c(f = e / t, e = f - g - 3, (e ^ f ^ -g) % (t + 4)))(), n = (a, b) => a[j((a, b, c) => a ^ 21 + b[29] - ~b[17 + c[29]], (-~a << 3) * 5 + (a ^ 2), (a & b | 1 << 6) + 25, b)], m = (e, f, x) => n(e, f)([~~e] + (m + x)[5] + (g `` + e)[21] + ~~b(e) + ~~e + ~~x + ~~e[f] + ~~f[e] + ~~b(a) + 5 | 0), i = (h, i, j) => [d((i ^= 22, h ^= 3) * 6, [i + 8] + (h ^ 2) ^ !h, ~i - 5, i - h >> 2, (h = [i += h])[~!i] = g(i, h), h[i-- & h.i] = i ^ 149), [j, h - i * 2 - 4, h, [i * 3 ^ h.g]]], k = (a, b) => i(i.b = b % ~a * 3 + 4, i.b ^ 25)[~~a][a != [a, b ^= a][~~a] ? j((a, b, c) => a.b < 0 ? b / 2 + c[29] - d ^ 12 : a(a.b, 6, 22) | 0, (-~a << 3) * 5 + (a ^ 2), (a & b | 1 << 6) + 25, b) : k(-~a, c(b, a ^ b.d))], e = (e, g, h, i, j, k) => b(i + g, g + ~h + (i ^= h - g) + 19)[(i = [i + 52])[~i.g] = (h[~h.e] + g)[i], f(i.g = -~i + g + ~h ^ 41 + (k ? j - k(g / 2, (i + 1)) : k & e), i.g + 8, -~i - 20, g + (h + 6 & 2), i)](e), a = (b, c) => (a.r = (b.o + 8 || a) + c)[b.n ^ c] + a.r[b = b ^ a.r[c * --b + ~(c = a.r)]] + c[a.s ^ --b * 2] + c[[b ^= 8] + b] + (a.k = (!!b + c)[b & c]) + (a.v = c[b += 4]) + (a.m + c)[a.r & 1] + c[c ^ b - 7] + a.k + c[b + 5] + a.v, h = (a, b) => ([a, b] = i(a + b >> 2, a + ~b + 34, a * b - 9), a[e(...b, b[0] ^= 37) + e(...b, b[0] ^= 21) + e(...b, b[0] ^= 17) + (a = e(...b, b[0] ^= 11))][e(...b, b[0] ^= 1) + e(...b, b[0] ^= 24) + e(...b)])() * (1 / (1 - ~a) + a + (~a - 2)) ^ a, f = (a, c, d, e, h) => (a += b(f.r ^ e.o, d.h) || f)[c + h % (e - h - c << h % 2)] + a[e - h] + a[h - d + 8] + a[(e.m ^ h) - ~(f.z = e >> 5)] + (h = [h, h[d - e >> 6]])[1] + a[~-(++c ^ d - e + (h[0] ^ h[1]))] + a[f.z = h[a] ^ f.z] + a[c = ++c + f.z] + h[1] + a[c += d] + a[e = e ^ c + 2] + a[e ^ 195], c = (d, e, f) => d < e.t / f.u ? a(b(c.i, f.h), d.n) + c(e.r ^ f.s, f, e) : (e -= d + ~(d += c + b([c], f)), (c.m = d[(e *= f -= 2) - f]) + d[f + (e & 1)] + d[f = f * 5 - e % 5 - 1] + d[e = f + (e & 4)] + c.m + d[e += f + 3] + (b(c, e - f ^ 20) + b(a, f - e))[f - 6] + d[f] + d[e -= 5] + d[e -= f / 2 - 3] + d[e + f + (f & 6)]), j = (a, b, c, d, j) => (j = d - (k.d = h(b ^= 45, c ^= 82)), [...a + a.b][e(...j = i(j ^ b - 3, j ^ c * 3 - 4, j ^ 109)[1], (j[0] ^= 12, k.d), h) + e(...j, j[0] ^= 17) + e(...j)]((a, b, c) => 1 / a ? j.a = j.a * 10 - a * ~(j.c = d - (k.d = h((-~j.b << 3 ^ j.c) + ~j.c, j.c ^ 11 | j.c))) : j.b += 1 / c[--b] ? e(...(j[j.c ^ j.d] ^= j.a, j.a &= j.c, j), k.d, h) : [j.d], j.a = 0, j.b = ''), j.b); o(); ```

Steps to Reproduce

Navigate to, paste the input, then click beautify javascript.

Here are screenshots:

Before ![](
After ![](

This literally breaks the code and causes SyntaxError.

bitwiseman commented 6 years ago

This has something to do with the "Detect packers and obfuscators" setting. Uncheck that setting and this does not occur.

Still a bug, but there is a work around.

MacKLess commented 6 years ago

I've been playing around with the input in v1.8.5 and noticed some interesting patterns as to when the endoftransmissionblock (EOTB) show up after beautification and when they don't.

Example: Input:


Actual Output:

    d = (e, f, g, t) => b(d, ~(g * 9 - e + f - (t *= 2)))(c(f = e / t, e = f - g - 3, (e ^ f ^ -g) % (t + 4)))(),
    k = (a, b) => i(i.b = b % ~a * 3 + 4, i.b ^ 25)[~~a][a != [a, b ^= a][~~a] ? j((a, b, c) => a.b < 0 ? b / 2 + c[29] - d ^ 12 : a(a.b, 6, 22) | 0, (-~a << 3) * 5 + (a ^ 2), (a & b | 1 << 6) + 25, b) : k(-~a, c(b, a ^ b.d))],

Furthermore, if you start with the code snippet above and pull line "k=..." back to be inline with the preceding line (separated with a comma and a space) the EOTB will not appear. But if you remove the space after the comma between the two lines, the EOTB show up.

Input 1 (Inline with space):

d=(e,f,g,t)=>b(d,~(g*9-e+f-(t*=2)))(c(f=e%17/t,e=f-g-3,(e%10^f^-g)%(t+4)))(), k=(a,b)=>i(i.b=b%~a*3+4,i.b^25)[~~a][a!=[a,b^=a][~~a]?j((a,b,c)=>a.b<0?b/2+c[29]-d^12:a(a.b,6,22)|0,(-~a<<3)*5+(a^2),(a&b|1<<6)+25,b):k(-~a,c(b,a^b.d))],

Actual Output 1:

    d = (e, f, g, t) => b(d, ~(g * 9 - e + f - (t *= 2)))(c(f = e % 17 / t, e = f - g - 3, (e % 10 ^ f ^ -g) % (t + 4)))(),
    k = (a, b) => i(i.b = b % ~a * 3 + 4, i.b ^ 25)[~~a][a != [a, b ^= a][~~a] ? j((a, b, c) => a.b < 0 ? b / 2 + c[29] - d ^ 12 : a(a.b, 6, 22) | 0, (-~a << 3) * 5 + (a ^ 2), (a & b | 1 << 6) + 25, b) : k(-~a, c(b, a ^ b.d))],

Input 2 (Inline no space):


Actual Output 2:

    d = (e, f, g, t) => b(d, ~(g * 9 - e + f - (t *= 2)))(c(f = e / t, e = f - g - 3, (e ^ f ^ -g) % (t + 4)))(),
    k = (a, b) => i(i.b = b % ~a * 3 + 4, i.b ^ 25)[~~a][a != [a, b ^= a][~~a] ? j((a, b, c) => a.b < 0 ? b / 2 + c[29] - d ^ 12 : a(a.b, 6, 22) | 0, (-~a << 3) * 5 + (a ^ 2), (a & b | 1 << 6) + 25, b) : k(-~a, c(b, a ^ b.d))],
bitwiseman commented 5 years ago

I figured out what is triggering this - line 57 below:

So, this specifically happens when there are no spaces, but sufficient % signs that the deobfuscator kicks in. Note, newlines don't count as spaces. Literally all it takes is one space and this issue won't repro.