beautybard / planning

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Create system requirements doc #1

Open dallinhuff opened 5 days ago

dallinhuff commented 5 days ago

Clearly identify user stories and requirements for initial app functionality.

dallinhuff commented 5 days ago

USER -- has     --> CABINET -- full of used      --> PRODUCT
USER  -- has    --> BAG     -- full of favorite  --> PRODUCT
USER  -- writes --> REVIEW  -- about             --> PRODUCT
BRAND -- makes  --> PRODUCT

Requirement: User can keep track of products they have used

As a Beauty Bard user, I want to be able to keep track of the beauty products I have owned and/or used.

I should be able to log any new products I purchase and see what other products I have owned in the past.

These products will be stored in a "cabinet" that I can consult and add to.

Requirement: User can keep track of favorite products they have

As a Beauty Bard user, I want to be able to keep track of my favorite few products so that I can find them more easily than most products I have owned.

I should be able to add and remove favorite products from my "bag" for this purpose.

Requirement: User can write reviews about products they have used

As a Beauty Bard user, I want to be able to write reviews about products in my "cabinet".

My reviews should contain both structured and unstructured data.

Structured data to include: