beaverbuilder / feature-requests

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Allow direct access to saved rows/columns/modules from displaying module #329

Open etherplain opened 1 year ago

etherplain commented 1 year ago

The BB Accordion and Tabs modules, as well as many 3rd party modules, allow you to display content from saved rows/columns/modules/templates, instead of just displaying content from the module's WYSIWYG editor.

Unfortunately we cannot currently go directly to the saved content from the displaying module. I’m requesting this as a new feature.

Currently if you go to a module that is displaying saved content, to edit, you have to exit that module and page, and then go search for the content in the BB menu on the Dashboard. On a small site that may be a minor inconvenience, but a large site with lots of saved rows etc. it can be very time consuming. Also, for clients, I've found this has also been a major learning curve as they open up something to edit content and then don't know what to do from there. This pulls me back in to do minor editing that I really shouldn't have to do and slows down content updates for the client. Also,I believe it’s somewhat antithetical to the whole idea of the front-end visual editing that BB is so good at.

To clarify, what I’d like to see is when you open a module that is using a saved row, etc. that there be a link that simply says “Edit this content” and that takes you directly to the specific bit of saved content. Instead of you having to exit the page, go to the dashboard, open the saved row, etc. menu and search for the content. 
 Preferably after editing the content, you'd be returned to the referring page where you started (but that's not half as important as simply EASILY getting to the saved content). Thanks for the consideration.

zackpyle commented 1 year ago

PowerPack started to do this in v2.31 and it is a welcomed addition: Screen Shot 2023-06-03 at 11 45 21

@codente thoughts?

jodzeee commented 1 year ago

@zackpyle - curious if you have any issues with it in PowerPack. It usually doesn't work on the first try for me, I have to close the module and reopen it to get it to work.

zackpyle commented 1 year ago

@jodzeee no, no issues

jodzeee commented 3 months ago

PowerPack addressed the problem I had in the last update. This issue can probably be closed.