bebbo / amiga-gcc

The GNU C-Compiler with Binutils and other useful tools for cross development for Amiga
GNU General Public License v2.0
312 stars 66 forks source link

amiga-gcc 13.2 built executable exits with error code 121 #402

Open trholding opened 1 month ago

trholding commented 1 month ago

Dear Bebbo, thank you for keeping Amiga development alive!

I once owned an Amiga 500 back when I was a kid, and decades later I have the urge to make a demo for the Amiga.

I am thankful that folks like you exist that keeps the machine and dream alive.

I am an absolute noob to Amiga development and I encountered an error:


Unable to load helloamiga.exe: Error code 121

I built the helloamiga.c to target Amiga 500 with kickstart 1.3 ROM without errors:

m68k-amigaos-gcc -o helloamiga.exe helloamiga.c  -lm -mcrt=nix13

I used the amiga-gcc 13.2 toolchain (make branch branch=amiga13.1 mod=gcc)

m68k-amigaos-gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: m68k-amigaos
Configured with: /home/linux/AMIGA/amiga-gcc/projects/gcc/configure --prefix=/opt/amiga --target=m68k-amigaos --enable-languages=c,c++,objc, --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs --disable-libssp --disable-nls --with-headers=/home/linux/AMIGA/amiga-gcc/projects/newlib-cygwin/newlib/libc/sys/amigaos/include/ --disable-shared --enable-threads=no --with-stage1-ldflags='-dynamic-libgcc -dynamic-libstdc++' --with-boot-ldflags='-dynamic-libgcc -dynamic-libstdc++'
Thread model: single
Supported LTO compression algorithms: zlib zstd
gcc version 13.2.0 (GCC) 

The helloamiga.exe was packaged as adf with exe2adf:

exe2adf -i helloamiga.exe -a helloamiga.adf

Then I ran it with fs-uae.

I do not know if I did something wrong or related to amiga-gcc. Any hints for a fix is highly appreciated as I am trying to avoid building lower versions of amiga-gcc from scratch to test out.

The helloamiga.c test code as well as the exe and adf is attached here in a zip: .

trholding commented 1 month ago

I have built amiga-gcc with gcc 6 on another system, but running the resulting exe leads to error 20:

m68k-amigaos-gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: m68k-amigaos
Configured with: /home/ubuntu/SPACE/amiga-gcc/projects/gcc/configure --prefix=/opt/amiga --target=m68k-amigaos --enable-languages=c,c++,objc, --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs --disable-libssp --disable-nls --with-headers=/home/ubuntu/SPACE/amiga-gcc/projects/newlib-cygwin/newlib/libc/sys/amigaos/include/ --disable-shared --enable-threads=no --with-stage1-ldflags='-dynamic-libgcc -dynamic-libstdc++' --with-boot-ldflags='-dynamic-libgcc -dynamic-libstdc++'
Thread model: single
gcc version 6.5.0b 240620092724 (GCC) 

I get further but some math libraries are not loading: helloamiga_2

It was compiled like this:

m68k-amigaos-gcc -o HELLOAMIGA.exe helloamiga.c  -lm -mcrt=nix13
bebbo commented 1 month ago

For now you have to strip the executable using v 13.2.

Add -s to the gcc command line performs an immediate strip.

or use m68k-amigaos-strip

trholding commented 1 month ago

I'll try these two and get back to you:

Add -s to the gcc command line performs an immediate strip. or use m68k-amigaos-strip

Thank you! Danke!

trholding commented 1 month ago

I've tried this with amiga-gcc 6:

m68k-amigaos-gcc -s -o HELLOAMIGA.exe helloamiga.c  -lm -mcrt=nix13

Also statically compiled with gcc 6:

m68k-amigaos-gcc -static -o HELLOAMIGA.exe helloamiga.c  -lm -mcrt=nix13

I've also compiled with amiga-gcc 6 and stripped with amiga-gcc 13.2:

m68k-amigaos-gcc -o HELLOAMIGA.exe helloamiga.c  -lm -mcrt=nix13    # gcc 6
m68k-amigaos-strip HELLOAMIGA.exe # gcc 13.2 

And I ran each build on fs-uae after converting to adf and the results are same "... failed with return code 20", amiga-gcc 13.2 fails with "Error code 121"

Should I build gcc 13.1 and see?

bebbo commented 1 month ago

Ensure that mathieeedoubbas.library and mathieeedoubtrans.library are present.

trholding commented 1 month ago

I use / libm and link with -lm , and I took it for granted. Man I have to really appreciate you for porting so much stuff that people take for granted.

Maybe I have to do it the Amiga way:

Since it is for an Amiga 500 Kickstart 1.3 I'd need to find a softfp version.

Perhaps I'll have to write my own simplified / equivalent math functions or use something like

Thank you for the support.

bebbo commented 1 month ago

What's the problem? Both libs are available with kick 1.3. Check the workbench's libs folder.

trholding commented 1 month ago

What's the problem? Both libs are available with kick 1.3. Check the workbench's libs folder.

Okay I guess the problem was that I am an idiot and noob to amiga dev stuff. Your hint and ( solved it! Thanks a ton!!! I learned something new.


Leaving this here for any new folks who encounter issues with libraries not found:

mkdir D1
sudo mount  -t affs  -o loop ./<Workbench 1.3 Disk 1 filename>.adf ./D1
sudo cp -R D1/libs ./
chmod -Rv 777 libs
exe2adf -i <yourprogram>.exe -d libs -a <yourprogram>.adf

Now only the issue with amiga-gcc 13.2 built executable exiting with error code 121 remains. But I guess gcc 6 is fine for my purposes unless gcc 13.2 compiles way more efficient binaries.

Edit: This is such excitement and a dream come true that after 3 decades I can run My Own Amiga Program (TM), I have found closure to my childhood pains. And feels like the first time I discovered programming. Much Love! Keep up the awesome work.