bebbo / gcc

Bebbo's gcc-6-branch for m68k-amigaos
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Uses an AREG to hold a float or double temporarily #44

Closed windenntw closed 5 years ago

windenntw commented 5 years ago

Don't have a reduced test case yet, but here is an indication:

I got a big loop that uses more than 8 floats and more than 16 integers / pointers, so there is register pressure to move things around.

One of the thing the loop does is update a float in memory in each iteration of the loop -- in this case it decided to do this sort of sequence:

    move.l _fw0,a4
    move.l a4,-(sp)
    fsmove.s (sp)+,fp0
    fsadd.x fp4,fp0
    fmove.s fp0,112(sp)

which is really nuts, as doing this on each iteration:

fsmove.s _fw0,fp0 fsadd.x fp4,fp0 fsmove.s fp0,_fw0

would use less memory access in total.

I'll try and post a short reproducible loop later, wondering if there are any tips for that.

bebbo commented 5 years ago

I'd guess your variable fw0 has not the optimal type.

windenntw commented 5 years ago

I've managed to create a standalone file that reproduces the problem with a fresh compiler from 26-nov-2018, at -O2 when handling either float or double. The problem disappears when using -O1.

( the full code is below )

There are 2 strange things there:

  1. It uses an DREG as a "swap place" to hold a float during a loop, along the lines of:
  move.l _value,a0
  move.l a0,-(sp)
  fsmove.s (sp)+,fp0
  fsadd.s _inc,fp0
  fsmove.s fp0,-(sp)
  move.l (sp)+,d0
  dbf d7.loop
  move.l a0,_value
  1. It also tries to use a DREG as a temporary place when operating. For example if v is in a AREG, it then tries to use a DREG:
  fmove.s #0x3f800000,fp0
  move.l a0,d0
  fsdiv.s  d0,fp0

to implemente the C code:

float t = 1.0f / v;

Full code below:

 * m68k-amigaos-gcc -fomit-frame-pointer -march=68060 -mhard-float -O2 -S repro-bebbo-gcc-44.c

 * Problem happens for both float and double.

#define FLOAT_TYPE float

extern FLOAT_TYPE fa0,fb0,fc0,fd0;
extern FLOAT_TYPE fa1,fb1,fc1,fd1;
extern FLOAT_TYPE fa2,fb2,fc2,fd2;

void interpol(int y, int* v) {
    while(--y) {
        FLOAT_TYPE aa,a,b,c;
        int bb,cc,dd,bb1,cc1;
        a = fa0; aa = 1.0f / a;
        b = fb0; bb = b * aa;
        c = fc0; cc = c * aa;
        for (int s = 0 ; s < 8 ; ++s) {
            a += fa1; aa = 1.0f * a;
            b += fb1; bb1 = b * aa; bb1 >>= 4;
            c += fc1; cc1 = c * aa; cc1 >>= 4;
            for (int x = 0 ; x < 16 ; ++x) {
                *v++ = bb + cc + dd;
                bb += bb1;
                cc += cc1;
        v = v - (8*16) + 1024;
        fa0 += fa2;
        fb0 += fb2;
        fc0 += fc2;
windenntw commented 5 years ago

Tweaked the compiler options to dump debug info and line 1159 of shows up a lot:

m68k-amigaos-gcc -march=68060 -mhard-float -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -dp -S repro-bebbo-gcc-44.c && less ./repro-bebbo-gcc-44.s 

        .align  2
        .globl  _interpol
        lea (-12,sp),sp | 120   *addsi3_internal/2
        fmovem #252,-(sp)       | 121   *m68k_store_multiple_automod
        movem.l a4/a3/a2/d7/d6/d5/d4/d3/d2,-(sp)        | 122   *m68k_store_multiple_
        move.l 128(sp),d7       | 5     *movsi_m68k2/1
        move.l 124(sp),a3       | 106   *movsi_m68k/1
        subq.l #1,a3    | 13    *addsi3_internal/2
        move.l a3,d1    | 134   *movsi_m68k/1
        jeq .L1 | 15    beq
        move.l _fa0,a2  | 21    *
        fsmove.s _fb0,fp7       | 22    *
        move.l _fc0,a4  | 23    *
        fsmove.s _fa1,fp5       | 24    *
        fsmove.s _fb1,fp4       | 25    *
        fsmove.s _fc1,fp3       | 26    *
        move.l _fa2,108(sp)     | 27    *
        move.l _fb2,112(sp)     | 28    *
        move.l _fc2,116(sp)     | 29    *
        fmove.s #0x3f800000,fp0 | 107   *
        move.l a2,d0    | 108   *
        fsdiv.s d0,fp0  | 31    divsf3_68881
        fsmove.x fp0,fp1        | 109   *
        fsmul.x fp7,fp1 | 32    mulsf_68881
        fintrz.x fp1,fp1        | 33    ftruncsf2_68881
        fmove.l fp1,d5  | 34    fixsfsi2_68881
        move.l a4,d0    | 110   *
        fsmul.s d0,fp0  | 35    mulsf_68881
        fintrz.x fp0,fp0        | 36    ftruncsf2_68881
        fmove.l fp0,d4  | 37    fixsfsi2_68881
        move.l d7,d6    | 111   *movsi_m68k/1
        add.l #512,d6   | 38    *addsi3_internal/4
        move.l a4,-(sp) | 7     *
        fsmove.s (sp)+,fp2
        fsmove.x fp7,fp1        | 8     *
        move.l a2,-(sp) | 9     *
        fsmove.s (sp)+,fp0
        move.l d7,a1    | 10    *movsi_m68k2/1
bebbo commented 5 years ago

well, you can't use AREGs with FREGs.


fsdiv.s a0,fp0


fsdiv.s d0,fp0
windenntw commented 5 years ago

Yes I understand that but, what could we do to ask the compiler to not use AREGs nor DREGs as a "swap space" for FREGs?

bebbo commented 5 years ago
  1. I don't know if using a memory location is really faster/same speed as push/pop.
  2. If that's the case, someone has to provide a proper cost model for the 68060 instructions.

then the compiler won't chose registers as temp.

bebbo commented 5 years ago

right now the costs are defined as:

fsadd.s _fc2,fp0                |   20
fsadd.s d0,fp0                  |   4
move.l a4,-(sp)     fsmove.s (sp)+,fp2  |   4

(no comment)

windenntw commented 5 years ago

I've managed to get the use of AREGs or DREGs as temps to go away by using -march=68040 -mtune=68040 -- got the code at the bottom.

Still, the numbers I get when using -dp seem to be a sequence of integers (see 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,... at the start of the function) instead of costs you quoted above which seem more stable -- I wonder which is the option you used to dump these.

        .align  2
        .globl  _interpol
        add.w #-16,sp   | 121   *addsi3_internal/2
        fmovem #252,-(sp)       | 122   *m68k_store_multiple_automod
        movem.l a5/a4/a2/d7/d6/d5/d4/d3/d2,-(sp)        | 123   *m68k_store_multiple_automod
        move.l 132(sp),a4       | 5     *movsi_m68k2/1
        move.l 128(sp),a5       | 112   *movsi_m68k/1
        subq.l #1,a5    | 13    *addsi3_internal/2
        move.l a5,d2    | 135   *movsi_m68k/1
        jeq .L1 | 15    beq
        fsmove.s _fa0,fp6       | 21    *
        fsmove.s _fb0,fp5       | 22    *
        fsmove.s _fc0,fp4       | 23    *
        move.l _fa1,d6  | 24    *
        move.l _fb1,108(sp)     | 25    *
        move.l _fc1,112(sp)     | 26    *
        fsmove.s _fa2,fp7       | 27    *
        move.l _fb2,116(sp)     | 28    *
        move.l _fc2,120(sp)     | 29    *
        fmove.s #0x3f800000,fp0 | 113   *
        fsdiv.x fp6,fp0 | 31    divsf3_68881
        fsmove.x fp0,fp2        | 114   *
        fsmul.x fp5,fp2 | 32    mulsf_68881
        fmovem.l fpcr,d0        | 34    fix_truncdfsi2
        moveq #16,d1
        or.l d0,d1
        and.w #-33,d1
        fmovem.l d1,fpcr
        fmove.l fp2,d2
        fmovem.l d0,fpcr
        fsmul.x fp4,fp0 | 35    mulsf_68881
        fmovem.l fpcr,d3        | 37    fix_truncdfsi2
        moveq #16,d4
        or.l d3,d4
        and.w #-33,d4
        fmovem.l d4,fpcr
        fmove.l fp0,d1
        fmovem.l d3,fpcr
        move.l a4,d3    | 115   *movsi_m68k/1
        add.l #512,d3   | 38    *addsi3_internal/4
        fsmove.x fp4,fp3        | 7     *
        fsmove.x fp5,fp2        | 8     *
        fsmove.x fp6,fp1        | 9     *
        move.l a4,a1    | 10    *movsi_m68k2/1
        fsadd.s d6,fp1  | 40    addsf3_68881
        fsadd.s 108(sp),fp2     | 41    addsf3_68881
        fsmove.x fp1,fp0        | 116   *
        fsmul.x fp2,fp0 | 42    mulsf_68881
        fmovem.l fpcr,d5        | 44    fix_truncdfsi2
        moveq #16,d0
        or.l d5,d0
        and.w #-33,d0
        fmovem.l d0,fpcr
        fmove.l fp0,d7
        fmovem.l d5,fpcr
        asr.l #4,d7     | 45    ashrsi3
        fsadd.s 112(sp),fp3     | 46    addsf3_68881
        fsmove.x fp1,fp0        | 117   *
        fsmul.x fp3,fp0 | 47    mulsf_68881
        fmovem.l fpcr,d5        | 49    fix_truncdfsi2
        moveq #16,d0
        or.l d5,d0
        and.w #-33,d0
        fmovem.l d0,fpcr
        fmove.l fp0,d4
        fmovem.l d5,fpcr
        asr.l #4,d4     | 50    ashrsi3
        move.l d7,a2    | 118   *movsi_m68k/1
        add.l d4,a2     | 51    *addsi3_internal/2
        move.l d2,d0    | 119   *movsi_m68k/1
        add.l d1,d0     | 53    *addsi3_internal/4
        move.l a1,a0    | 54    *movsi_m68k2/1
        add.w #64,a1    | 55    *addsi3_internal/2
        move.l d0,(a0)+ | 58    *movsi_m68k2/1
        add.l a2,d0     | 60    *addsi3_internal/4
        cmp.l a1,a0     | 62    *
        jne .L3 | 63    bne
        lsl.l #4,d7     | 67    ashlsi3
        add.l d7,d2     | 70    *addsi3_internal/4
        move.l d4,d0    | 120   *movsi_m68k/1
        lsl.l #4,d0     | 73    ashlsi3
        add.l d0,d1     | 76    *addsi3_internal/4
        cmp.l a1,d3     | 78    *
        jne .L4 | 79    bne
        add.w #4096,a4  | 81    *addsi3_internal/2
        fsadd.x fp7,fp6 | 82    addsf3_68881
        fsadd.s 116(sp),fp5     | 83    addsf3_68881
        fsadd.s 120(sp),fp4     | 84    addsf3_68881
        subq.l #1,a5    | 85    *addsi3_internal/2
        move.l a5,d2    | 137   *movsi_m68k/1
        jne .L5 | 88    bne
        fmove.s fp6,_fa0        | 90    *
        fmove.s fp5,_fb0        | 91    *
        fmove.s fp4,_fc0        | 92    *
        movem.l (sp)+,d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7/a2/a4/a5        | 126   *m68k_load_multiple_automod
        fmovem (sp)+,#63        | 127   *m68k_load_multiple_automod
        add.w #16,sp    | 128   *addsi3_internal/2
        rts     | 129   *return
windenntw commented 5 years ago

final update today: same bug happens with -mtune=68080

bebbo commented 5 years ago

use -fbbb=+V to see the internal costs. And I know that the current costs are off - far off.

bebbo commented 5 years ago

please test

bebbo commented 5 years ago

works for me

windenntw commented 5 years ago

Confirmed on my end too :)