beckn / beckn-onix-stack

Specification Design for Beckn Onix
MIT License
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Create onix-dev sdks architecture #5

Open Mishalabdullah opened 1 month ago

Mishalabdullah commented 1 month ago


Building the onix-dev libraries for various popular languages like Node.js, Java, Python, etc.


Expected Outcome

Objective Outcomes:

  1. A set of high-quality onix-dev libraries for multiple programming languages
  2. Comprehensive documentation and examples for each library

Acceptance Criteria

Implementation Details

  1. Identify the programming languages to prioritize based on popularity and community demand
  2. Design and develop the onix-dev libraries following language-specific conventions and best practices
  3. Create comprehensive documentation, including API references, code samples, and developer guides
  4. Establish a developer portal or website to host resources, documentation, and community forums

Mockups / Wireframes

(Placeholder for any mockups or wireframes, if available)

Product Name


Project Name


Organization Name:

Beckn Open Collective


Trade and Commerce

Tech Skills Needed:

Node.js, Java, Python, API Design, Documentation, Developer Relations


@venkatramanm @raviprakash



Sub Category

Developer Tools, Libraries, SDK, Documentation

Mishalabdullah commented 1 week ago

@ravi-prakash-v Can you provide an example project that I can refer to for the API structure, like where most of the APIs are being called in it.